What made your day a good one

I had a nice surprise when I counted the money in my wallet today. I realised that I had £20 more than I thought I had before. I must have missed a note when I did my last money count.

Little things like that really cheer me up.
Money? As in c ... c ... cash? Is that how you spell it? Shouldn't that be in the "things you don't see anymore" thread?

But great you're a happier fellow because of it. Lord knows, we have to take our pleasures whenever they materialise now.
We grew up with Steve Jobs, Johnny Cash and Bob Hope. Now there's no jobs, no cash and no hope. Please don't let anything happen to Kevin Bacon!
I had a nice surprise when I counted the money in my wallet today. I realised that I had £20 more than I thought I had before. I must have missed a note when I did my last money count.

Little things like that really cheer me up.
When you remove all your money. Not 1p to your name. Your wealth is what you have around you or own. I think about that sometimes.
Re wallet.
Something I don't miss is a night on the lash and getting up following day to see what's left in wallet. Most of the time nothing. Ha.
Can't remember last time that happened!
What made my day....
Seeing off the queen on TV.
Nice roast dinner.
Standing outside and so quiet I could hear birds singing. It's like Christmas but in summer.
I drank 4 types of tea today, enjoyed those and never getting bored is a blessing. Can't remember last time I was bored tbh.
Money? As in c ... c ... cash? Is that how you spell it? Shouldn't that be in the "things you don't see anymore" thread?

But great you're a happier fellow because of it. Lord knows, we have to take our pleasures whenever they materialise now.
I can assure you that good, "old-fashioned" cash has not quite gone the way of the dodo just yet, lol. I see lots of people every day using cash and getting it out of ATMs. I don't think that it will be consigned to the history books anytime soon, lol.

Besides, some of us "older folk" prefer to pay the "old-fashioned" way, lol. I don't have the time or the patience for Apple Pay, or any of those other "new-fangled" things, lol. I'll leave those to the "young folk", thank you very much, lol.
I agree with you there, especially for small incidental purchases like transport tickets or coffee and snacks but since the pandemic I'm encountering more and more places that won't take cash. And of course the government has an agenda there, monitoring and controlling all transactions, and theoretically at least, being able to 'adjust' the value of, or restrict an individual's money if they ever went to a fully digital currency where of course each unit is numbered, like crypto. Like the Chinese control people with social credit (sanctions for not toeing the party line, essentially), but instantly and electronically, rather than their carrot and stick system.

What worries me about the gradual move away from cash is this: you are too old or for other reasons unable to drive. Perhaps you rely on public transport to get to hospital or just the shops for food. There are no banks or post offices with counter service. The bus only takes some card or other, and there is no human at the train station any more.

Your eyesight or cognitive ability, or memory is beginning to go, so smartphones are too expensive, too confusing, your hands are too arthritic to work the touch screen, and anyway someone hacked it because you've had it 5 years and don't know how to install the latest OS, or it's too old to run it and your meagre state pension won't stretch to a new smartphone even if you wanted one, or knew how to use it. You could literally starve to death or be unable to access medical care.

I tell you, if we're not careful, they're going to make anyone who can't keep up with the tech race either financially or cognitively essentially worse than 2nd class citizens; they could be totally disenfranchised, left unable to use transport or even receive or spend their own money. God help us from 40-something Chief Tech Officers and CFOs who railroad all these csshless unmanned systems through in critical services all in the name of "efficiency savings". They're literally selling their own granny, and everyone else's.

Probably sounds a bit alarmist and far-fetched right now, but I doubt anyone would be able to advocate against it when the government and big businesses stand to gain. We're a way off it yet of course, but that's what they said about 1984 in 1948.
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What a horrible thought. That's like something from one of my worst nightmares. If that should ever happen, I doubt that I would be around for very much longer. It doesn't sound like a world that I would want to live in, anyway.

George Orwell would be proud of such a scenario.
Having lost my chickens to cats a wee while ago ( and having gattling gunned the cat population for an area of 6 square miles , only kidding) and being gutted about it. Having got over the loss, on Saturday I am picking up 3 point of lay chickens.
I can't wait, no more crappy supermarket eggs for me.
Back in 2014, I used to be an au pair in Germany. Last time I went back was 2018.

I am now on holiday in Germany and went to see the family I used to stay with and it been great catching up with them. All the kids have grown up so much (they were 3, 7 and 9 when I was there). It's been nice having conversations with them in English and not my awful German, like in the past. Need to try to come back more ofte
Nice. I lived in Hamburg for a year in 1999 and still have friends I made from then. Can't quite believe we're all 23 years older now although not much has changed, we still speak in German and I have retained most of it even though it's not got any better as I've barely been there a couple of times since. I keep my hand in by staying in contact and also doing some DE>EN translation for a magazine here and there.