What made your day a crap one??

Day 4 and Feeling much better (3 days since test) just tired and mentally slow, hopefully headache is over. Seems to be worse but faster to recover than when I got it this time last year, Four more days of avoiding people too so not all bad !
Nobody is interested in politics here. Take it somewhere else.

Day 4 and Feeling much better (3 days since test) just tired and mentally slow, hopefully headache is over. Seems to be worse but faster to recover than when I got it this time last year, Four more days of avoiding people too so not all bad !

And I bet you both had the "vaccine".
I had a blood test about a fortnight ago. I had a letter from my doctor yesterday, asking me to make an appointment to see him to discuss the results. I went up to the surgery today to see about making an appointment to see him. I hit a wall of obstacles immediately. The receptionist claimed that he hadn't sent me a letter (he had, it was in my shopping bag as proof), and then she backtracked when I showed it to her. She then gave me some bullshit about people "can only make routine appointments after 2 pm". I was completely unaware of this. She then added that I would have to be quick, as the appointments "soon go". In the end, I just walked out and decided that I would wait until my doctor sent me a follow-up letter.

Honestly, what a bloody waste of time my GP surgery is. He wanted to see me, not the other way around, but then I hit a brick wall when I try to make an appointment to see him. I don't have a mobile phone, which I have told them several times, so they should be aware of this, and so a face-to-face appointment is my only option. Trying to arrange that, though, is a near-impossible feat. I am beginning to get fed-up of being mucked about by people who should be trying to make my life easier, not harder. Getting in to see my doctor is a lot of rigmarole now but, as I said, HE wanted to see ME. He won't be best pleased if I don't go to see him, which no doubt I will get the blame for. THIS has made my day a VERY crap one.
FJY I feel your pain and suspect I'll be in for the same. I got a text asking me to record my blood pressure. No way of returning the results, other than writing on a piece of paper and posting through the surgery letterbox. It's so hard to get an appointment now, you just don't bother. Phone lines are open between 8am and 830 and constantly engaged, or the receptionist is just watching it ring and doing 2 fingers to the handset!
I kinda wonder if it's this that raised my BP in the first place lol, certainly hasn't helped!
And like you say, that's when they want to see you. If you want to see them, forget it!
Reactions: FJY
I totally agree.

No wonder the NHS is in crisis. The total inability to see your own GP certainly hasn't helped. This is the time that we need our GPs, but they are notable by their absence.

I could be forgiven for thinking that they just don't care.
Having just coughed up for a new house roof, followed by a few unsuspecting sneaky bills, then a car service, tyres and a running repair on the trusty van it's decided to start the dreaded whiny gearbox and leave another large bill incoming.

But hey, the roof will outlast me and the van has been a much loved mode of transport so in the big scheme of things I can cope, maybe lol.
Ah I know that feeling. Even working with teenagers in my social care job is difficult when they have no interests (except Tik Tok, youtube and Xbox). Much prefer the younger ones and go bug hunting
My late father was into Youtube and his beloved Xbox. He had dozens of Xbox games and played them for years, up until the day he died, at the ripe old age of 75. He never did grow up.

So, it's not just the young 'uns who are into computers and games consoles. Shocking but true.