What made your day a crap one??

Blackwall Tunnel closure.
A six minute drive back from the supermarket took me just over two hours. I blame SatNavs.. they tell drivers to use local and residential roads to save two minutes... Don't even get me started on people who, when stuck in a bit of traffic, leave an A road only to immediately rejoin, hoping to get ahead of the car in front of them. They invariably stop inside a box junction while doing this.
On a positive note: I didn't have any ice cream in the boot.
Went looking for a newish car today.

Was told my 12.5 yr old Passat with 149k miles, which I have had from new, is only worth £700.

Customer came in yesterday just before closing for an emergency inhaler. I asked him why it is an emergency, he said he has lost his old one. So then I explained that the inhaler can only be given in an emergency, that being someone is unable to breathe or struggling to breathe without it.

The response; "you call yourself a Pharmacist you're +++t, I have been on inhalers for 10 years".
At this point I gave up on being polite and kindly responded in a sarcastic manner, "wow, I have been a Pharmacist for 10 years so let's not compete on that one"
He didn't like that, cap came off exposing blue hair and then the threats "why are you staring at me bruv" "don't make me come there"
Something I learnt from dad, don't ever get involved at this point, outside of work I probably would have helped the fellow need an inhaler. A quick "can you call the police" resulted in him asking for the manager, so I asked if he would like the manager to stare at him directly. Response was "I don't give a shit" so I looked him straight in the eye. A huff and a puff and he left the shop, got on his bike and rode off. Classic.

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I live in a gated community but quite often it's the old ladies who pee on the bushes. Also, they don't generally allow us out of the gates or let us have access to anything sharp. I found it quite amusing when people got excited about the Gillette razor with a key - they are the norm around here.

I hate reflecting on that a 'night out on the town', like last night, almost equates to two of @Nishy 's LE brushes.
I know you can't really 'compare' things like that..but part of me says "if I had stayed at home I could have had two brushes instead'
DB I couldn't agree more went out Wednesday got back in at 4.30 am £186 pounds lighter. Thought to myself that's an ATT SE, then had the mental debate over whether going out (mainly drinking) is worth an ATT SE. Then I realised I would be extremely sad if I didn't go out and lived in a shaving museum
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Yeah, it's the old 'man does not live on bread alone' but...in reverse
I only use google maps for realist real-time traffic information.
Yeah right. Google Maps doesn't even start to understand what happens when the Blackwall Tunnel closes down.
Google Maps said:
You are on the fastest route, despite heavier than normal traffic. You will reach your destination in 27 minutes.
2hrs in the car = 2-3 Pink Floyd albums
Not with SWMBO on board. Had I been on my own, I would have parked the car and walked home.