What made your day a crap one??

I was sitting on the train this morning reading a newspaper when the young (say early twenties and in her gym gear) started to tap my leg with her foot. So I look up and she's looking at a pregnant woman who just got on.

Now normally I would have got up and offered my seat, but she pi$$ed me off expecting me to get up when see was perfectly able to herself.

So whilst I was out of order for remaining in my seat, I explained to her that she should have some decency and get off her ar$e.... and that not everyone wears a badge saying that they are unwell, have a bump on board or anything else.

The woman with the bump was quite embarrassed and didn't want a seat anyway. I did explain to her that I am currently unable to stand for long periods and that the leg kicker should have just got off her lazy ar$e herself.

Again whilst normally a gentleman I am currently not in a good position, and that we should never judge/expect things from others without knowing anything other than what appears on the cover so to speak.

No point getting upset by the behaviours of the young, @Fish - there's a seemingly inexhaustible supply of them whilst we are in a declining minority. Besides, there are plenty of good ones, allegedly.
Sitting in an airport that is shutdown for technical reasons

Never seen the lounge so crowded! Fortunately it seems they're slowly starting up again, so I hope to fly out after all.
Temporarily crappified my day - boiler service man elected to precede me going up the stairs. By the time I arrived on my stairlift, he had dumped my clean bed linen onto the cat's bed. My clean linen is now all covered in cat hair!
Temporarily crappified my day - boiler service man elected to precede me going up the stairs. By the time I arrived on my stairlift, he had dumped my clean bed linen onto the cat's bed. My clean linen is now all covered in cat hair!
I don't have that problem as my bed is the cats bed.
I live in a gated community and this morning an old lady stopped me when one of the dogs were peeing on a bush next to the sidewalk. She explained that dog pee is what 'is killing all the plants'. I replied that the HoA allows dogs and that there is even a fee for it. She then proceeded to insists that dog owners should carry their dogs until they get out to the street.

I looked at her, wished her a good day and left.
I live outside a gated community - the gates fell off several hundred years ago so you'd not notice, though. Hm! maybe they are locked in the open position, come to think of it. I like to wander through the Bargate and think of all those who have passed through before me. I'll wager there's many a story, long since forgotten.