What is it, for you, the most overrated soap / cream?

Sterling soaps are marvellous! If only my face didn't react so badly to something in them I'd be using them frequently, even considering all the other marvellous artisan soaps I own.

I guess the one I don't get is LPL - but it's very good for washing out new brushes.

It's the labels! A good label gets me every time! 'Good', of course, is entirely subjective.
For me MWF is a very overrated Le Pere lucien is another, If we are honest the bench mark all others must be judged against is Martin De Candre, for me Catie's Bubbles is the closest performance to MDC.
Trumper's shave soap is a meh, for me. Lovely scent, subpar performance. A real pity, as their shave creams are really nice.

I think I'll dig out my Trumper's Limes soap in a bowl and hit it with a D01 Shavemac and see if I can't produce something that resembles a nice, slick, lather.
Every USA Artisan Soap that I have tried Thus Far Burned the Face Off Me Carl..Some are Perfumed all the Way to Hell & Back & then Some..Stupid Crazy amount of Scent in some of them..


I hate to admit it but I'm a sucker for packaging. If it looks nice, then I want it ha.
It did lather great but for me, it was nothing special. Two of the soaps I had a slight reaction too, which was down to the menthol I think. Give it a try though, you may think the opposite.

This is the first time I hear of such issue with these soaps and I should be paying attention.

Fortunately for me I'll be visiting Pasteur Pharmacy in New York where I'll get a sample to test at the hotel before I buy 2 or 3 soaps.

Is this problem with the Sterling soaps across the range or one in particular?

Well enjoy, its a great shop, me and the wife went there last July.
The only one I remember was the coffee scent, cant remember what others I've tried.