What is it, for you, the most overrated soap / cream?


LeJog 2022 Finisher
Saturday April 30, 2016
For me, it has to be Proraso. Very popular with many people but I just can't see what others see in it.

Only overrated because it's so recommended as one that everybody should have.

I don't mean overpriced by the way
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I think that Monsavon is overrated. It's a cheap supermarket soap with an artificial scent, and is no match for many other soaps at the same price point.

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The thing with Proraso is that they are really common and cheap in Italy (about 2-3 euros) but they are a lot more expensive outside... So I won't pay more than the Italian price for it as it is only a decent soap.

Boring answer:

Overrated? You can insert any New And Exciting product here. A case can be made for the purity of the ingredients and more diverse scents. But, when the quality of the lather is not remarkably better than 'drugstore' options, you have to question whether a lot of the exciting new releases are little more than:

Good social media presence and well-pitched branding go a long way in influencing people's perceptions of worth. Add in slightly-obsessive gentlemen with disposable income, Internet 'group think', and you end up with quite a bewildering market. It's remarkable that the term 'artisan' now seems to be used synonymously with 'quality'.


Most vloggers are all over the newest greatest creation from 'an artisans', give it a week or two and the BST is flooded with the same soap?

MWF for me, only as won't lather to its best round here
Im racking my brains thinking and I am sure I've used worse things for being overrated but the one that springs to mind for me is Sterling.
Disappointed to see ProRaso listed here. I have been a long time user of both the cream & soap, in red (my favourite), and to mix it up, the green. It lathers well, is super creamy, lovely fragrance, and for a few £s lasts absolute months before running out. Really, what's not to like?
For less than a tenner its not worth raising your blood pressure, if it works great if it doesn't it happens. Reviews aid in helping understand the product once you have understood the source.

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Im racking my brains thinking and I am sure I've used worse things for being overrated but the one that springs to mind for me is Sterling.

That's very interesting as I was planning to get a few Sterling soaps. I'm mainly interested in its easy lathering capabilities and more than average slickness.

You do realise that this is a personal judgement so under that category, Proraso, for me doesn't do anything to the level of similarly priced products.

There's no need to come in defence of any product, what is good for me might not necessary be good for you so I'm happy to accept the views of everybody
It did lather great but for me, it was nothing special. Two of the soaps I had a slight reaction too, which was down to the menthol I think. Give it a try though, you may think the opposite.
I think that Monsavon is overrated. It's a cheap supermarket soap with an artificial scent, and is no match for many other soaps at the same price point.

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I use Monsavon Tallow Soap Regular & whilst its Cheap n Cheerful I would Rate it Higher than most Artisan Soaps that I have Tried..It goes on Forever as Well..
