What is "Chatter"

South Yorkshire
I was watching a DE razor review and "chatter" was very briefly mentioned in the context of the specific blade being used. Nothing came up when I looked on the TSR search function.
Can anybody point me in the direction of an explanation?
Ta in advance.
I bookmarked this thread (when you first posted it) to see if anyone replied. Interesting no one has, yet many seem to use the expression.

My understanding of chatter, is the noise the blade makes in the razor. Some seem to be louder than others. It's caused by the blade vibrating slightly in the razor. Some have better clamping to prevent this. Is it good of bad? Too much could cause a poor shave. Probably a bit like an airplane wing movement, it's needed, too much wont be good, too ridged the wing will probably snap off. Not sure how the final part can be compared to shaving.
Could be one of those names which are invented by certain people to make themselves sound more superior to everyone else. It comes across to me as the scaping sound sometimes inserted as a sound effect in some youtube shaving videos which they call "feedback". Could be the result of a razor blade insecurely held in the razor which causes it to vibrate which can be cured with an "O" ring on the thread before screwing on the handle or a blunt blade which needs replacing.
Could be one of those names which are invented by certain people to make themselves sound more superior to everyone else. It comes across to me as the scaping sound sometimes inserted as a sound effect in some youtube shaving videos which they call "feedback". Could be the result of a razor blade insecurely held in the razor which causes it to vibrate which can be cured with an "O" ring on the thread before screwing on the handle or a blunt blade which needs replacing.
Feedback & Chatter are two completely different things
*See below:

Chatter is when yer doon at the rub-a-dub havin' a quiet skin fu' an' some feckin' bastart keeps yappin'. "SHUT IT PAL, AWRIGHT?"

Chatter is when you are 'blessed' wi' uninvited visitors jist dyin' tae tell ye aboot their feckin' holidays tae Florida an' askin' tae use yer laptop/iPad/TV so they can show ye 8000+ photos an' videos aboot their daft hollybags. Feckin' C U Next Tuesdays.....

Chatter is when yer stupit' wife's pal comes in yer front door wi'oot knockin' and proceeds tae launch a feckin' tirade aboot nippy sweety folk in yon election thingy. The bitch'll jist no go a feckin' way bit secretly ye wahnt tae shag 'er!

Chatter huz goat feck all tae dae wi' proaper blokes that like tae tell mucklehoosive tall stories it family gatherins' whilst blootert oot their thick skulls oan Buckfast. Only coz it wiz half price at the local corner shoap which they boat coz the perty host is a steengy hunt an' disnae provide ony libation.

Chatter huz goat summin' tae dae wi' a blade booncin' aboot oan yer pus. Cuz' the razor huz goat shite blade clampin', ken? Aye, an' it's nae very braw at a'.

* for translation ask @Mike Smart cuz' he'll ken kist like ah ken.
*See below:

Chatter is when yer doon at the rub-a-dub havin' a quiet skin fu' an' some feckin' bastart keeps yappin'. "SHUT IT PAL, AWRIGHT?"

Chatter is when you are 'blessed' wi' uninvited visitors jist dyin' tae tell ye aboot their feckin' holidays tae Florida an' askin' tae use yer laptop/iPad/TV so they can show ye 8000+ photos an' videos aboot their daft hollybags. Feckin' C U Next Tuesdays.....

Chatter is when yer stupit' wife's pal comes in yer front door wi'oot knockin' and proceeds tae launch a feckin' tirade aboot nippy sweety folk in yon election thingy. The bitch'll jist no go a feckin' way bit secretly ye wahnt tae shag 'er!

Chatter huz goat feck all tae dae wi' proaper blokes that like tae tell mucklehoosive tall stories it family gatherins' whilst blootert oot their thick skulls oan Buckfast. Only coz it wiz half price at the local corner shoap which they boat coz the perty host is a steengy hunt an' disnae provide ony libation.

Chatter huz goat summin' tae dae wi' a blade booncin' aboot oan yer pus. Cuz' the razor huz goat shite blade clampin', ken? Aye, an' it's nae very braw at a'.

* for translation ask @Mike Smart cuz' he'll ken kist like ah ken.
Jings, Crivvens, Help ma boab! That wis pure dead brilliant.
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