What happened today?

conanthewarrior said:
I think these rapiras are the ones though. They were the standard ones, are the swedish supersteel any better?

Must admit, haven't tried the 'standard' one's yet so I can't comment, but the SSS are (so far) one of my favourite blades. Waiting for 100 from Russia £7.12 delivered.
I must say, I found out the username of the friend who got me into this, he is known as "smallbeard" here. Said he hasn't been on for a while, but wanted to say thanks to him on here for setting me up with a complete kit and blades to get myself going.
Got some of the swedish supersteel off of smallbeard today, and also some of the Wickham soap co's Sheridan soap. I will try that tonight to see how they go together.

I found the standard Rapira to be OK but nothing special. I really liked the Swedish Supersteels though and they felt smoother to me. A lot of water had passed under the bridge since the Rapiras though so a revisit may be in order at some point.
flip-68 said:
i know it's YMMV but i generally avoid the smaller brand of blades - feathers/gillette yellows/polsilvers and astras do the trick for me

Ahh, Astras. They did the job, but these feel more comfortable. I will give another go of an astra to see if its any better with a better technique, but I didn't find that much appeal in them (Lots of nicks, bit draggy). I've not tried the others in all honesty, I will get round to it though .
I didn't like tchem the first time i used tchem but thought they were great when i revisited them a few months later. tbh i aim only to use Polsilver SI - everything else is just using up blades i have in stock
I tried the Rapira Swedes, and I'm pretty sure its the same blade in different packaging for double the price lol.

flip-68 said:
I didn't like tchem the first time i used tchem but thought they were great when i revisited them a few months later. tbh i aim only to use Polsilver SI - everything else is just using up blades i have in stock

Ok I'l keep that in mind, next blade I will give them a go as I feel I have this down now.