What grinds your gears?

Phone solicitors trying to sell me funeral plans, walk in tubs, and stair chair lifts. They never give up!

Accident ones get me.

But I do enjoy the Microsoft support ones. I have to admit though I like to pick a fight with them. I simply ask them what their mother thinks about them being a common thief ? That grinds their gears, one even threatened to come a stab me. Mind you I did wind him up quite a bit. I simply misunderstood everything he said on purpose. Great fun.
Reactions: p.b
Inconsistant Moderation of rude words like: wee, pooh, gymslip and arse-biscuits.

Too true, I've even seen Scunthorpe automatically moderated out.

Obviously that word within is totally unacceptable but it shows sometimes that the level can be over the top. The word of that town was even being used in a football forum about a forthcoming game. Stupid to see the bad word element * out.
Ebayer's,who when you buy something,and pay immediately,take 2 weeks to post it to you,with no explanation.
Road rage drivers,who after cutting you up to get you to pull over for some perceived crime,who then have the cheek to drive off in a cloud of tyre smoke,when they see you coming for them in their rear view mirror.
The arse wipe in my local village shop,who never has any 'offers',rips off everyone by short changing them,over charges for postage in the PO,turns off the chillers in the middle of the summer,and sells out of date food....I REALLY HATE that bastard....
People who don't acknowledge the fact that you didn't HAVE to let them through,either on the road,or as a pedestrian,opening doors for people,just to be ignored.
People who think they can jump the cue in a shop,and then have the gall to look offended when you say "OI!,the cues behind me!"
Modern TV...Its shite,nuff said.
Radio Norfolk phone in's...Always full of people wanting sympathy for something or another...
Shops that advertise something cheap,but never had more than one in stock.
Standing at a bar,when the bar maid say's "who's next"?,and some toss pot jumps in and says "me"!,and is surprised when I say "no you aint,she/he's next".
And all of the above....Australians included.

Probably cheaper to pay the subscription. If it's Direct Debit based I'd simple cancel the D.D. That will get their attention.