What does SWMBO think ?

Mrs SFG is generally happy. She rolls here eyes and says "Have you packed a bag?" when I say "Right, I'm off for a shave". I've only got one brush and razor (at the moment) but 25 different packs of blades and over 30 frags is eliciting some "what more?" moments. Still haven't found a frag she really likes either!

She is quite into fora herself so understands the community nature but the Lending Pool is definitiely a bit diferent.

"Right, I'm off for a shave"
jb74 said:
Best thing to do is buy a couple of Palmolive sticks, bring them home and leave them on the kitchen counter along with the receipt... then moan about how it's not so great given the price.
Mmm- stopped by at Morrisons to buy a beef joint - Palmolive sticks @ 50p each
Mrs Ratty thinks is a hoot and totally harmless - tonight watching the Welsh game I got a sod of an awkward big boar knot out of a 'Certifyd' brush and sanded the old crazed varnish off the handle. She looked at me occasionally and giggled.
I let her pick a soap or cream for me every now and again. And she likes me clean shaven too!

Besides I've seen some of the whopping prices she pays for make up at Debenhams so she can't talk.

My other half thinks it's just wonderful that I can get these old 'vintage' razors that no-one else wants for about £10, you know, my Gillette Fatboy & Slim Adjustable etc. Of course, if I fessed up to the actual price paid, well, I quite like my balls :icon_razz:
Manoflamancha said:
SWMBO tells me I can have what I like, but I can't have anymore room to store it.

Oh I know that one...

My wife's pretty cool about it, but I do get the occasional odd look, or roll of the eyes when another aquisition arrives. Thing is, she's also mentioned it to friends at our local, so I'm constantly ribbed by them (well, by all but one of them, whom I've converted to DE) & as most of my new aquisitions come to the office now, my colleagues are the same - mind you, they did get me a Futur for my 50th last year.
I don't spend a lot on my habit, so my wife is cool with that ;-)

However, when we've two screaming toddlers bouncing all over the bed on a Saturday or Sunday morning and I sneak out of bed saying 'I'm just going to shave' she does resent a little that I get half an hours peace and quiet each morning
Even better... ask her to pick you up some Palmolive sticks as part of the weekly shop, but tell her if they're selling for over 50p to give it a miss as it's way too expensive for a shaving soap. Tell her you'll order some MdC from France instead as it's much cheaper
The domestic sergeant major loves my smooth face and the smells of the wet shaving thing. She puts up with the extra storage space required. She now has her own DE shaving kit for her legs which cost me a fortune in a new razor, brush and cream etc.
My wife is bemused by it all. To safeguard an easy life I hide things (finding brushes amongst my socks added to her bemusement and led to suspicion). But above all she had the good grace to laugh heartily when I gave her a pink Starburst in a necklace box for our tenth wedding anniversary - she uses it occasionally to boot.
I went from scraping my face with a cheapy supermarket razor every few days in the shower, didn't even bother with canned goo, to a few razors, loads of soaps and creams, balms, AS's and brushes and religiously shaving every 2 days.

Her conclusion?

I must be having an affair.