What do cut-throat shavers think about this?

Norfolk, England
This was one of the Youtube videos that first made me consider that there was an alternative to Mach 3 and canned gunk. Yes, I know, it's a shavette, and, as you gents know, I'm definitely a DE shaver, but I re-watched this yesterday and started to wonder whether he is as good as the cost of the full-length DVD (from which this kis a series of excerpts) suggests.

He´s not bad, I think. Short strokes, but that´s how you do it as a barber, you couldn´t go at it like that for three or four passes. The brush thing I don´t get, why buy such a brush if you don´t like how it paint the lather?
Thanks Mikael, it was the brush thing I didn't understand. He says that he uses best badger because of the lather it generates, then just paints cream on without any lathering. :?:
In my opinion, there is enough information on the various shaving forums and youtube for anyone to be able to become good at shaving, and I wouldn't personally consider paying for a DVD.

You are totally missing the point.

This is a "Pro" barber trying to sell instructional DVD's and product to other barbers hoping to get into the straight shaving game.

As for the lathering bit, these are just excerpts for a trailer. He applies the cream using the brush that's true but have a look at the muppet sitting in the barbers chair (3:20) . It looks like he has a thoroughly lathered face to me, you just haven't been shown the full process. As for the price well he's probably paid for the DVD to be produced, packaged etc and you'd barely get one shave at Trumpers for £35 so it's not bad value. A day course for a barber will probably set you back £200 so this will pay for itself after a couple of bad shaves god forbid.
I get why he's doing it, though I still maintain that £35 is a lot for a DVD, even one made by a production company for a client like this guy. My question was what you chaps thought about his technique.