What Did We Learn From Our Shave Today Gents?

i learnt that i need to practice a lot more with the straights. i get socially acceptable, which is fine, but damn it, it want more!
That my Laurel OC is still a delight to use and paring with Voskhod blades is just about perfect.

Wednesday's shave had an entirely different lesson... Still in the post Sumatriptan fug from the previous day, I reached for my toothpaste, picked up the Edwin Jagger Hydrating Pre-Shave Lotion tube (very similar in shape, size and colour) and learnt how unwise that was.

Sumatriptan - I suffer from occasional bouts of optical migraines and, if I catch the very start of the optical aura (first couple of minutes), it can be a relatively pain free attack. Perhaps due to contraindication with other medication I take (yet perhaps it's personal), it knocks me for six. However, a bonus is that I was treated to two to four hours of a psychedelic light show that would make Liquid Len envious (think some graphic fluid motion model).

Contraindication - I know - I need an urgent medication review because the above plus a few other side effects I experienced implies mild or moderate Seratonin Syndrome.