What did Santa bring

I got some Edqin Jager Soap (aloe) Trumpers (lime) and some body shop goodies - Maca root cream, face wash and balm which are really nice! So my shave collection has somewhat grown!
four bottles of gin, two bottles of wine, orange bitters and i think my brother has got me a tub of nannys silly soap but i havent seen him yet


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Somewhat surprisingly I did receive some shaving gear

  • Tub of TOBS Sandalwood Shaving Cream
  • TOBS Alum block
  • Sharp Practice by Anders Larsen - a shaving related book

I gave my brother a Bodger 404 and a tube of Proraso Red cream to wean him off the canned gels. Maybe a razor next year, who knows?

All the best

joe mcclaine said:
Nothing shave-related.

My Dad bought me some Levi Roots' Scotch Bonnet Chocolate. I'm going to punch him in the throat when I see him.

Your Dad or Levi Roots? Both, maybe?

No shaving stuff for me, but 2 Nivea gift sets containing various smelly/soapy/washey things that I may or may not use. We shall see.

Apart from that, a book, socks, pants, a bit of dosh and a couple of DVD's.

Best part is spending time with family and catching up.
