What blades are these?

Hitchin, Herts
Backstory: My wife's workplace mistakenly ordered a load of DE blades from the NHS supply catalogue, when what they really needed was a load of disposeable razors. (They use them for shaving patients' chests prior to ECGs).

They are now surplus to requirements, but I have no idea what they are. Can anyone identify them? I get a sneaky feeling they are unbranded Derbys.

They carry no obvious identifying mark whatsoever. Plain white plastic box very similar to the ones that many razors come in (like the Derbys) with the sihlouette diagram on the "slide out" card as shown. No markings on the blade, QC or otherwise. Not a lot to go on, I know.

They come in packs of ten, all in an unbranded cardboard box. The supplying company was Sunderland Healthcare. (The bulk healthcare supplies company, not the NHS Trust!)

I think Father Ted may know this one... he's may have used them at work.

Thanks for looking.
^^ Ah yes, It's the shaving shack where I've seen them I think, I recognise them from the multi blade sample pack.

I think I'll maybe suggest that her office put them on the bay at a pound a go and see if there's any interest. Shaving Shack sell them for more than twice that.
I have looked in the Logistics cataloge and can not find DE blades, only the crappy yellow bic style and the blue DE style. Which page are these on? And more to the point what are they being used in as all the old metal DE razors were retired from active service years ago up here (NW). :?:
They look like the Personas to me. Back in the days of yore we used Wilkinson Sword blades, clearly these are not them.
^^ I'm not sure what the NHS would use them for to be honest FT, I also thought they'd phased out the metal razors years ago. I've never seen one here in the South. I know the blue plastic DEs you mean, we have them in the defib pack on the FRU ambulance cars, they are appalling but they're only for emergency use after all, not a nice comfy shave. Didn't know the NHS used "Bic orange" style still!

Sorry, I've no idea what page of the logistic catalogue they're on either, it's my wife's department, they do medical research. I don't have a catalogue, I only work from an ambo station part time and everything is there that we need. I've asked her to look it up.
CanucksTraveller said:
I know the blue plastic DEs you mean.... not a nice comfy shave.
You tried too have you? Thought it was just me!
Funnily enough I was having a "remember the days of the Willy Barber" conversation with someone at work today. Also using those bic orange single blade things to shave a chap today - not great and they start to "drag" after not much cutting.