What are you waiting on to arrive?

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If you don't mind me asking, how much does the Karve set [you] back after currency conversion et al? Or should I just wait to buy that one off you?

Hi Ben,
First off. You cheeky bugger! Laffin! Yeah I suppose I have a rep for being fussy bugger.

I've ordered the 3'' handle with C base plate. It worked out at £66.68 including postage. I'll have to wait and see if I get stung by Customs. I think the customs charge is £20.00.

Rob AKA ‘Goldilocks'
Very nice - go for 'C' plate?

Also, @Blademonkey, I know you're into your brass, might want to look at this mate? karveshaving.com
A worshipper at the altar of Pantalons de Nimes, one assumes that these will be used for pursuits like gardening and not worn in public.
That's a great price Rob, please let me know how you get on with it. It never hurts to have a couple of DE razors in the stable just for a change of pace P.
A worshipper at the altar of Pantalons de Nimes, one assumes that these will be used for pursuits like gardening and not worn in public.
Pantalone de Nimes. Wow! I like your style. Before a little research, however, I actually thought the term was part of some kind of organ harvesting scam. Maybe I'll take a look at them for my next pair of spray-ons.

Gardening. Not a bad idea. My daughter suggested they may be more appropriate as part of a halloween costume.
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