What are you waiting on to arrive?

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I ordered a 1kg block of Cella soap!!!, although I recently opened a new tub of Cella and already have an unopened 1kg block of Vitos Red.
Completely unnecessary but I have this soothing feeling of having plenty of shaving soap/cream for the rest of my life and probably a good amount will be left to my son if he decides to use them.
You always got to plan ahead and invest in yours and your child's future.
I like your thinking
Won an auction for this Gibbs No 16. Looks a beauty and I have been wanting to get another Gibbs razor but the postage on ebay.fr is extortionate, this looks in a great condition and I am a happy chap to have a new toy to play. Much nicer than a Parker Variant, treated myself seeing as I sold the Variant and made my money back.

Good find, is that the one with the + & - on the cap?
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