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Just Won this Factory Fresh NOS Herder Solingen 6/8th on German EBay..The Box is Original for a Specialist Retailer of the Day..These Herders are No Run of the Mill Solingen SR..They are the Cream of the Crop..I Stole this..

Nice find, great razors and smooth shavers they are one of oldest cutlery companies in Germany and oldes Solingen company
My Optionfive was shipped today Unfortunately, despite paying extra for express shipping, there is no way of tracking it, which I find a bit naff. Hopefully it won't get "lost" in the christmas rush, I have had some really bad luck in the past with non-trackeable shipments.....
Respect,you're a braver man than I am. I bought a Parker Shavette thingy to try open blade shaving, and am selling it again, unused, 'cos I'm too chicken to try it
Shavettes are Nothing Like a Traditional SR..I Don't Know Why they are Compared in Forums..In Fact DE Blade Type Shavettes are NOT Even Designed for Shaving at All..

Ah, ok. I wasn't aware of that. Anyway, I'm getting rid of it: My Merkur Futur is as wild as I want to go. I've read views that the Futur with a feather blade and cranked wide open is as efficient as a straight razor. Never tried a straight for a direct comparison, but it just looks f*cking dangerous to me I have visions in my head of the barber shops in the mafia films, when some mafia big cheese is getting a shave, and some guy comes in and slits his throat open, and the blood spraying up the walls, and think: that could be me..... I know, I know, I'm being a big girls blouse....
You just watch too many movies mate...

Well..Thats Another Forum Misrepresentation by Many..There is No Factory Blade Razor that is Comparable to a Traditional SR..NONE..SE Users Blurt this Out all the Time..Its Bull..The Rolls Hollow Ground Blade SE..Then YES..

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