What are you waiting on to arrive?

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Regarding the Damaskeene ...

Better than a later 1912? Personally, I prefer the 1912 to the Damaskeene - a bit like a MK2 Escort vs MK1 kind of thing.
That explains it then I'm a Mk1 man maybe its an age thing
We had a turd brown MK1 estate as our family car when I was growing up ... proper rust bucket but that thing put down a LOT of miles. Only about 15 years ago, I passed on the opportunity to buy (as first refusal) and renovated MK2 Mexico in orange. Lovely job, but I passed. Kicking myself ever since, every time MK2s are mentioned ...

But, what am I waiting to arrive?

Well, you know that lovely Ever Ready brush with the pretty much brand spanking new lucite handle I took delivery of the other day. My intention was to strip the badger knot out and re-knot it with synthetic, but upon arrival it was so good and the badger hair in such good condition (for its age), I decided to leave it.

Stroking it this evening, like you do ... yes, YOU ... and you ... and I know you stroke your brushes, too, yes, you ...

Well, the knot popped out

On the base of the knot was a paper sticker which the knot fitter had not removed it before glueing in, so over the years, the paper has lost its whatever and the knot released.

So, I'm waiting for a new synthetic knot from China, courtesy of Mr Tang - I've gone for the slightly older technology fibre, pre-PurTech, more akin to my Kent Infinity. I think it'll suit the brush and I certainly like the fibre, having enjoyed that knot in another brush which I rather sillily (real word?) PIF'd.

See, it all works out in the end ... leave it to the universe and the answers come.
Paul, mate, please don't put a synth in that handle. Please, sell it to me instead. I'll hunt down a knot that will do that piece of art justice.

In fact, name your price.

dunno why but this actually worked out well I think:


I think it arrives Tuesday at which point I'll clean it up properly and put it away until I am ready for it
Nice one! Super little set, that ...

Being brass, you can go at it good and strong with Brasso and a yellow duster. It'll come up sparkling and shave lovely, so don't put it away ... grab some blades from Connaught's and press it into action straight away!


... not only, but also ...

Aside from the Cabinet Set (which I already have one of), it's that odd looking GEM I was after. The seller tells me it also says "Patented 24/14" on the back making it that unicorn tear, the GEM 1914! Yeah, GEM, not Ever Ready. Weird fish, that.
Added some more razors to my 'incoming'-list that I'm really looking forward to trying out as I don't have any of these models;

1) A Muller Esku Slant razor
Looks like it is in pretty good condition and I'm looking forward to trying out a vintage slant. Will see when I get it next week or so.
Price ended up being $46 which I am kinda so-so about...a bit more than I wanted to spend as every razor I am trying out this year might be re-sold at the end of this year and I want to break even

2) A Gillette ABC razor with Excelsior shaving mug
Always wanted to own - or at least try - an ABC razor. I know they are pretty tiny...but I love their look.
This one is in 'decent' condition but I guess the shaving mug it comes with was a fun 'extra'.
Paid $26 which I think is fair and I think I got a pretty good shot at getting that money back when/if I sell.

3) Pomco slant razor in case
Wanting to try out vintage slants I got completely caught up and lost track of my 'buy for what you can safely sell it for' logic.
It's not in the best of condition but the way I rationalized it was that I hardly ever see any Pomeco slants with case for sale.
Paid...ugh...$54 for it....and it might need a replate...we'll see in what condition it is when I clean it up a bit.
Hey, at least the case is purty...even though the razor itself looks like it's been eaten by zombies....

So yeah...that's that.....
This package should just contain a harmless razor being sent to me...it's a few days overdue...and today I notice this on the USPS site...

I got an email from a carrier service here in Blighty who pick up the relay from USPS when they hit these shores, asking if I could describe my package! Well ... I was taken aback Little double-entendre joke for the Brits there, I guess, but on thing led to another and it transpired they were chasing a package that had already been delivered which my local delivery guy had not clicked all the puttons when he handed it over. Phew!

Best of luck with yours. I hope they can iron it out ...
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