What are you reading at the moment?

fozz77 said:
Just finished The Long Walk by Slavomir Rawicz.

So what did you think? True story or a complete load of utter bullshit? I think the walk across the dessert with no water sealed it for me. Or perhaps it was when he met The Yeti.

Both suspect area's of the book. Plus the fact the group did not get in contact again. Not to mention the stroll from the train to the unbuilt camp in pyjamas......

Ah yes that too! I wonder if this book inspired Yann Martel to write Life of Pi...
For various reasons it took me quite a long time to expedite The Virgin Soldiers trilogy and now I am reading Bill Bryson's One Summer, America 1927.
Finished Jack Reacher #1 - quite enjoyed it and will get #2 after pay day

Started The Twelve by Justin Cronin - really enjoyed The Passage and this is the second in a trilogy with the third due out later this year (I think). Feels a little bit The Stand Era Stephen King which is a good thing I think.
I'm a little behind as I've had a bit of a flurry recently.

Treasure Island & Kidnapped by RL Stephenson- Classics for a reason, good stories well written. Considering their age I think they are still remarkably accessible.

Piece of Cake & A Good Clean Fight (RAF Quartet 1 & 2) by Derek RObinson - Mixed bag the first book is a little like Catch 22 for the Battle of Britain. Amusing dialogue and obviously well researched I found it hard to put down - some obvious faults in style and story but carried by the good stuff. Second book, I ended up skimming big chunks before jumping to the end. Won't be getting any more.

Odyssey One series by Evan Currie - Good old fashioned Space Opera stuff, now onto the third book. Occasionally get's bogged down in detail and 'scientific' explanations but mostly fast paced action with lightly fleshed out characters you can relate to.
Just finished an excellent Mystery novel. Agatha Christy book, never had heard of it until this week, Curtain: Poirot's Last Case.
Great story. Very different from the other Poirots.