What are you reading at the moment?

Johnus said:
S King Salem's Lot

Tall_Paul said:
Another book from the master storyteller.

Steven King? Really? I would bet you guys didn't read the Gunslinger books.

I gave up on him right when I finished the last in that seven(?) book series. Up till then (about 10 years ago) I had finished lots of his other books. The way that epic series ended was.....unexpected.

Over those long years I tried reading3-4 of his newer books but never got even halfway through em. No interest anymore in what he writes. Guy's a bum.

Re: RE: What are you reading at the moment?

Steven King? Really? I would bet you guys didn't read the Gunslinger books.

I gave up on him right when I finished the last in that seven(?) book series. Up till then (about 10 years ago) I had finished lots of his other books. The way that epic series ended was.....unexpected.

Over those long years I tried reading3-4 of his newer books but never got even halfway through em. No interest anymore in what he writes. Guy's a bum.


I really enjoyed The Gunslinger series. Never saw that ending coming though. 'Unexpected' is probably a good way to describe it. Pissed me right off.

I still read his other stuff though.

Have look at 'The wind through the keyhole' It's a new one about Roland.
I thought it was ok.

Ok, I forgot about that book. Yep, it was good. It was also another sorta let down. It was a good story, but not THE story he'd been hinting strongly about. Lots of other back stories that never appeared. But yes, it was a good read.

Also Johnus, the priest in Salems Lot ends up with a big part in that Gunslinger bonanzarama. As you probably know, most of King's characters are in his other books somewhere.

MrK1 said:
Never saw that ending coming though. 'Unexpected' is probably a good way to describe it. Pissed me right off.

I'm intrigued. I wonder if he nicked the ending I used a lot at school:

"And it was all a dream..." :icon_razz:

I've read all seven of em Mart. Thought the first one was not that great, loved the others, and agree the ending was cack. It's almost like he lost inspiration and put down any old guff just to finish it off.

I still love his books though. Am struggling to think of one I don't like or haven't finished to be honest.

Maybe I just tend to hold a grudge. You are definitely very forgiving about how authors treat their readers. I thought he was pissing in my general direction when it came to the finish of that series. Not only that, but some of the books along the way were nothing special. Sigh....some were excellent though.

I had thought The Wind in the Keyhole story was supposed to be an attempt to make up for that and help with the healing, but it was a different story that came out in print.

You are a sweet man,
