What are you reading at the moment?

Just finished reading The Card by Arnold Bennett, it was made into a great film with Alec Guiness back in black and white days. I've now started reading Tales of the Five Towns, courtesy of Project Gutenberg.
A Passage to India - E.M. Forster Will start reading it this evening.

The last book I read was; A Voyage For Madmen - Peter Nichols A damn good book and one I'd recommend to anyone who enjoys true and adventurous writings.
Currently reading : Skytrucker: Incidents, accidents and Romantic Attachments by Allan Murray.

In view of the recent news I've downloaded a few Leslie Thomas books to read next......

Sorry I was just trying to make a joke, looks like it fell flat! :blush:

Anyway, finished Mrs Palfrey at the Claremont, wonderfully written and rather sad. It had an introduction by Paul Bailey, and author I've never heard of so I thought I'd give this a try:

Bob said:
Mein Kampf by A. Hitler Esq. on my Amazon Kindle.
How the fuck or why you want to read such vile, contemptible shite is utterly beyond me. Research, fair enough. Idle curiosity? BNP more like!

Millions upon millions dead but still some daft folks want to read the insane deviant's 'woe is me' waffle. My Struggle? My Wind & Pish would be a better title and no, I have not and would never let mine eyes anywhere near it but I gleaned enough in school history lessons to work that much out. And if you find my comments offensive, you'll far worse in that waste of e-ink. The Nazis went in for book burning on a big scale - this is the one they should've burnt along with the little cunt himself. Jesus!

Hey it's your time, though. :huh::s
A little harsh maybe Gairdner, there could be a perfectly reasonable explanation for reading a book espousing racism, rabid anti-semitism, colonialism combined with ethnic cleansing and eugenics....

I would point out that Esq. is used as an honorific implying someone is a g(G)entleman by courtesy if not by title.
I am on the fence with Adolf's best literary effort. My parents family from both sides were holocaust survivors and as part of reading 20th century history in Uni this title was discussed.
My parents actually said it's worth a read as in 'better know your enemy ..' kind of approach. So i did read in to this, it was one of the most boring, weak manifestos i ever came across. Didn't finish it as it was that bad. I agree with gardiner that it is gold plated shite.