What are you reading at the moment?

Finally completed Dr Sleep Shining 2. Massive disappointment. First 75% was tough going with the last 25% being decent.

No doubt it'll sell by the bucket load and the film take millions on the basis of bring the follow up to The Shining.

Haven't read those yet, but they're on the list.

I agree about the history lessons though. Knocked what I learned at school into a cocked hat.
I ain't got the balls or the mind to cope with reading that, RB.

Currently splicing the mainbrace through Patrick O'Brian's Aubrey/Maturin series, now part way through The Surgeon's Mate.
A quick search through here suggests a few people have read the wool series.
I'm halfway through and haven't been this engrossed in a book for ages.
Excellent writing. Fully recommended.
Back on the high seas myself. Well technically wide rivers, I'm reading The Sand Pebbles by Richard McKenna. It was made into a film of the same name starring Steve McQueen.
Just finished 'under the dome' by Stephen king and it's probably the best book I have ever read (and I read a lot of books)

Imagine the tv series and amplify everything that happens by a thousand

Well worth a read ...
cruciate said:
Did you not find the ending extremely disappointing?
The first 90% was awesome though

Considering most Stephen king books don't really have an ending at all I was pleasantly surprised with this one .

Know what you mean though - was a bit weird ...