What are you listening to?

I like this cover as much as the original.

I hate UB40 with a passion . When I had my bars they were on the banned list. Neil Diamond should have sued them for what they did to Red Red Wine, never mind their butchery of CHFIL..

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Something of a guilty pleasure but good vocals, great harmonies and some stellar bluegrass/country accompaniment means there's nothing not to like in my books.
Radio 6's album of the day - god this takes me back to a great time in my life
Wish I'd had the foresight to buy tickets to go see them!

i was utterly shocked when i read it was the 22nd anniversary of this album time flies! i got to see them twice, i saw them on their first tour and it was the loudest gig ive ever been to, it felt like my internal organs were dissolving im sure i read somewhere, that on the first tour health and safety got involved because of the noise levels, the noise was apparently causing structural damage to the venues!
Likewise I got to see them at the Leeds T&C. Yes, bloody loud And you are right; was listing to an interview with the main man (think it's Neil Barnes) up until this tour they will still banned from the Brixton Academy due to the noise and mainly vibrations damaging the structure of the place. Sweet

haha small world! it was leeds town and country where i saw them too