What are you eating tonight?

I've got a nice Norfolk Black prepped and ready to chuck in the oven ...


Mrs wants French Bistro style, so it'll be pommes purée, cream tarragon sauce and a medley (yes, a medley) of vegetables.


Norfolk Black Chicken in Tarragon & White Wine Sauce with Pommes Puree and Bistro Vegetables

... nice to find a bird with normal sized breasts rather than the cheaper plumped up offerings. Smashing bird, that! Wings set aside for a little snack later on along with the oysters, legs set aside for tomorrow, skin already wolfed down ... and carcass now simmering away for broth.

Article about the bird: https://www.fwi.co.uk/livestock/poultry/norfolk-black-chicken-makes-its-debut-in-sainsbury-s
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Norfolk Black Chicken in Tarragon & White Wine Sauce with Pommes Puree and Bistro Vegetables

... nice to find a bird with normal sized breasts rather than the cheaper plumped up offerings. Smashing bird, that! Wings set aside for a little snack later on along with the oysters, legs set aside for tomorrow, skin already wolfed down ... and carcass now simmering away for broth.

Article about the bird: https://www.fwi.co.uk/livestock/poultry/norfolk-black-chicken-makes-its-debut-in-sainsbury-s
Hi Paul,
Looks good, but have you tried “ Herb Fed Chicken “ from Yorkshire. A bit pricey but really good.
Yep! I always go for free-range. Eggs, too (which I get from those chickens over there - points up the road). So-called barn-raised doesn't get enough outside time, or access to grass & fresh air and I do not like corn-fed. Let 'em eat bugs! While the vast majority of British meat is pasture-raised, poultry is a different business altogether. Pretty thrilled to find this bird.

Tonight we had left-overs ...

Mrs had the left-over veg with a leg stripped off the bones, I had some left-over rice so made up a leg meat and diced vegetable rice dish. Stock is in the fridge for a risotto tomorrow.
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