What are you drinking tonight.

Ooh Glayva with a nice peaty malt in it,yum yum. Wish i had some left

For me tonight it is Deuchars IPA and some Ledhaig. The other half has some of sparkly wine stuff that i will pretend to like when the time comes
Gin and tonic here, too. Bombay Sapphire and Schweppes tonic.

Only had a couple of (very) large ones as I was supposed to be going out later but woke up earlier than the birds and now I'm considering another hour or two's shut-eye.
Just looked through this thread and a couple of things rang a bell and made me laugh. In my case, every Christmas for as long as I can remember (obviously at my age, that's only a couple of years) I have Baileys in the house....and dispose of it.:blush: At Christmas it tastes so yummy, and yet never another drop will touch my lips until the next Christmas.
The other thing I thought was funny was the people finding stashes of whiskey in the homes of elderly relatives, most of which they'd bought themselves. It gives be great hope that the manicure thingy, which I believe is electric, will eventually return to my dear daughter, its rightful owner.