What amp for an iPad mini?

Hi gents,

I've acquired the original iPad mini, and an Anker E4 portable charger thing. It has the option of 1 and 2 amp output, but what one do I need to charge the iPad without damaging it? Googling doesn't seem to help me very much, and as you've probably gathered by now, I'm as thick as shit.

That does seem to be a complicated question. From what I read using too little is as bad as using too much. My daughter had one but she uses the factory charger. Sorry.
Check whatever charger you buy will scale down the amps to whatever your device needs. I bought one recently which specifically mentions this. Mine was a four in one charger from Amazon although there are caveats about charging certain tablets and Apple devices that don't use standard USB specifications so bear this in mind when you look.
Start with the lower 1A settting. The iPad will draw what it needs in terms of amps. If it fails to charge in a reasonable time, increase to the 2A setting. I doubt very much that it draws anywhere near as much as 1A.

Before plugging in, ensure the charger has its output polarity the right way round for an iPad mini - the positive and negative are the right way round, inside and outside.

I assume the charger you have is the correct voltage on the secondary side - but this needs to be confirmed.
Doh! Yes, it is written on the charger, once I got the magnifying glass out I could read it! 5v-1a...

Told you I was thick. Cheers gents.

Off topic- lightning cables... Best to buy the £15 quid one from Apple, or should I be looking elsewhere? I need a spare to keep with my portable charger.

There the one thing you don't want to cheap out on trust me!

I thought as much, but the reviews on the apple store aren't reassuring, but I guess the whole lightning system is flawed.
It's mainly because people are rough with them, get them twisted and break the connection. I'm still on my original leads over a year later with no signs of wear.