Wet Shave Club

Don't get me started on THAT fruitcake with his shaving 'forms', quadrants, cloths, cubes and slags.

That fella could complicate a game of snap!
Can't be arsed with all these daft clubs. Buy yer gear and get on with it - more choice that way and no committment. That last UK one? Who the feck would want all that gaudy plastic in their bathroom when they can have chrome, gold, nickel or rhodium plated perfection or stainless steel nevermind all the range of specialist wooden handles from the likes of EJ, Muehle and the independents like Rod Neep. Me? Oh, I just love neon orange plasdick.....:icon_twisted:
It sounds a bit vague. What make of brush, soap and razor would they send? I know King of Shaves operate a subscription, but as mentioned above, all these are mainly cartridge 'clubs'.