wet apple

Hello guys
Where to start well ive had a rather unfortunate accident with my apple phone dont all laugh at once the dog peed on it :icon_cry2: . as you can imagine both me and the dog are in the dog house.

well just me really as the dog is quite old and loosing it a bit tried to dry it out as best as i can. dos any body know if its fixable or worth trying. when plugged it the back gets warm.

Leave it to dry for at least three full days (when my HTC was dropped in water for a few seconds it wouldn't start up for three days) and the idea with the rice is to seal the phone in a tupperware box so the rice absorb all the moisture.
Dry rice, obviously
Yes dried rice, but don't forget to bin it afterwards ! Have you got any insurance ? Does your bank give you cover, as some bank accounts have added value products. I know lloyds do as I have mine covered that way.

Also don't try and fob it off to Apple as faulty, if it's still under warranty. iPhone's have damp indicators built in which change to red on contact with water, or in this case dog pee.
Friend dropped his in the Loo and the telephone co. Told him to wipe it off. Take the battery out of it, close it put and cover it in RICE for 3 days. Then try it.
You could submerge it in a bath of isopropanol (remove the battery first) to get all the moisture and other contaminants away from the electrical contacts. Then allow it to dry thoroughly. I've known of a few phones and ipods saved this way, including one which had been through the washing machine. Obviously try this at your own risk.
Thanks for the replys will give the rice a try. tried to get the back off but it seams a bit impossible have undone the two screws at the bottom but it doesn't want to come away.

any ideas which way to push or pull ?
Rice really isn't an efficient desiccant. If you are going to go that route then at least get some silica parcels, the type that electricals are packed with. Although I'd be worried about any salts and sugars that are left over once the water has evaporated. Either take it to an Apple store and see what they say or go to one of the numerous mobile phone "doctors" found on lots of high streets.
If you have really stuffed it you could try this........ http://support.apple.com/kb/index?page=servicefaq&geo=United_States&product=iphone sorry but it keeps defaulting to US site.......

I know at £150.00 its not cheap but cheaper than a new phone?
You can't slide the back off, they are sealed units. The only way to get into it is to remove the screen. If you want to remove it get a little suction cup to lift it out. There are loads of youtube vids detailing the process.
Boab said:
You can't slide the back off, they are sealed units. The only way to get into it is to remove the screen. If you want to remove it get a little suction cup to lift it out. There are loads of youtube vids detailing the process.

Thanks Boab
They dont want you to get to its workings,checked out the u tube vids and will give this a go though i very much think is dead.
Good news got the screen off the little damp indicators inside have not turned red so hoping thats good.
still not turning on so may have to try the iso watsit trick.