Haha! Yes, "SHAVING BLOCK" ... which I now find:
... from an old eBay advert.
Looking at the other soaps in this trio:
Cruising eBay I stumbled across something so charming to me that I had to buy it, and that led me straight down a rabbit hole on the Internet for a couple of hours about exactly who Surrey was and how they relate to today's Van Der Hagen. The box was full and shrinkwrapped when I bought...
Gentlemen, I posted recently that I had discovered a box of vintage shaving items which included both hardware and software. Among the items I found was a mug and brush from Chicago Professional Shaving Products. I think that it was from the seventies but I am uncertain about the date. I do not...
Nothing for "pashana shaving block" ... but I do recall these Pashana Shaving Domes (on Amazon) within my recent memory:
https://www.removeamazon.co.uk/Pashana-5034573510012-Shaving-Domes-4-Piece/dp/B0045YKQ10 < coz the forum software does odd things with Amazon links, click the link and then remove the word "remove" from the URL
Regarding the bowl, I found an old eBay item ... but it's gone. Maybe you bought it
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