Weepers around Adam's apple ...


Any tips on how to deal with this?

Always seem to have problems shaving round this area and getting fed up with it as the rest of my shave is excellent.

DE89 with Gillette silver blue, Bodyshop shaving cream and brush.
Pressure. Too much of it. Relax, Loosen your grip. Stretch the skin so what is normally over your Adam's Apple isn't. Tilt your head way back as far as you can and then do half a swallow - your A's A will disappear while you shave the skin (complete the swallow and carry on breathing afterwards).

Weepers and too much pressure go hand in hand and remember point loading when you go over knobbly bits like your A's A.
Just move it... Up or down depending on where your shaving. Might be just a thing I remember from my father shaving, but I never pull my face or neck skin. Just move my jaw and cheeks.