Water marks on chrome razor


Brentwood, Essex
I'm wondering if anyone here can help. I live in a very hard water area so we had a water softener installed (highly recommended - really helps with the lather etc.)

However, due to my laziness I didn't dry the razor after each use (I do now!) and I have these dark water marks on the surface of the head my Merkur Futur chrome.

Does anyone know how to remove them or am I stuck with them? Viakal doesn't work.

cheers, Paul
Quick update:

I had to buy some isopropyl over the internet as the local chemist doesn't have any. Used lots of elbow grease but to no avail. Then tried some 'Peek' metal polish on a dry cloth rubbing very lightly and the marks disappeared. Looks like new now.

p.b said:
Quick update:

I had to buy some isopropyl over the internet as the local chemist doesn't have any. Used lots of elbow grease but to no avail. Then tried some 'Peek' metal polish on a dry cloth rubbing very lightly and the marks disappeared. Looks like new now.


The IPA method worked on my Merkur 38C.

Oh well, at least you got there in the end :)
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