Vulfix Mayfair

Norfolk, England
Chaps - as I mentioned a while ago in the Chat Room, I'm looking at getting a cheap inexpensive badger brush as an everyday workhorse that'll work OK with soaps and creams. I really want something to replace the Semogue 1305 I sold to Hax recently, plus, having an everyday brush will hopefully ease the strain on my New Forest brushes which I love and want to look after. Gary Young suggested (not surprisingly) a Simpsons brush - specifically a Berkeley 46 in Best; the problem is it only seems to be available directly from Simpsons themselves (every other online source I can find is out of stock, suggesting that it's being discontinued), and it's at the top end of what I'm prepared to spend.

Having done a bit of searching, I've found this, which is more in line with what I wanted to spend, and is also an IoM product. Ha anyone got any views on this brush they'd care to divulge, please?
I have always liked the Vulfix 660 Super Badger. It is a good all purpose brush. Only downside to some, not me, is the injection molded handle
Chris, if you really want that specific brush, you can always try contacting Mark direct. See link below where he posted in one of my threads.
Garbe said:
Chris, if you really want that specific brush, you can always try contacting Mark direct. See link below where he posted in one of my threads.

Cheers mate - I'll bear it in mind.