Viva La Toja!

benthespaniel said:
I've got 3 sticks in my stash, need to get another Ikea Grundtal tin and it will join the Arko and Derby in my every day rotation, looking forward to trying it.

Get a round click fast Tupperware tub from Asda Grant, good to grate sticks into..... Freeze the sticks first, then cheese grate em!
I just got two sticks from ebay and they are different from the stick I just got directly from Spain (freebie with a brush).
The one from Spain (supermarket purchase) has a flat top, more tan in color and very waxy finish.
The ones from ebay (US supplier?) have a rounded top, white in color and dry/powdery finish.

I'm thinking the one from Spain may be tallow base. Both sticks below are unused.

That's interesting, can the flat top stick be an old stock?? do they smell same?
I tried the rounded one too and that was a good few years ago now. Think I got it from eBay.

How do you guys see this stick compared to other brands such as Speick, Valobra and the humble Palmolive?
rum said:
I tried the rounded one too and that was a good few years ago now. Think I got it from eBay.

How do you guys see this stick compared to other brands such as Speick, Valobra and the humble Palmolive?

I use all the sticks you mention. Palmolive for me works well enough as a soap but I find the scent a little chemical and not that pleasant, a real bargain nevertheless. Valobra, Speick and La Toja are all top performers, easy latherers and protective with a very light, soapy scent. I think it comes down to what scent you like best and whether you want tallow (Valobra, Speick) or veg based soap (La Toja). Valobra is more expensive than the others and therefore misses out in the value-for-money category.

A friend recently brought a couple LEA sticks (tallow with lanolin and glycerin) back from Spain. Again, a light soapy scent although certainly not 'cheap hotel soap', lathers like a champ and your skin feels like a million bucks during and after the shave. I personally like it better than all the others. Please note that LEA changed ingredients a few years ago and went downhill as a result, but fortunately they changed course and went back to include first class ingredients, so make sure you don't get old stock.

Thanks Frankie. I used my new Valobra stick for the first time today and it worked a treat. Might use a bit more next time, but so far so good.

Speick and La Toja especially I need to revisit. I have only used them once and don't know why I sold them on or gave them away. Maybe I just had too much in the wardrobe at the time...

LEA sounds like a no go for me. My face is at war with anything lanolin so that's an immediate no-go I'm afraid. It's good to know that a reformulation has worked for the better though!!