Vintage DE Blades - Showroom

Name: Oasis Extra
The Blade of Millions
Period of production:

Seems that this German blade brand was produced just for the export. The red coloured probably for spanish speaking countries as suggested by the words Marca Registrada. I did not find any information about who produced the blades and in which period.

Camel cigarettes come to mind...
Name: Palmera
Label: Palmera Oro, Palmera Plata, Palmera Acanalada, Palmera Platino, Palmera Inoxidable, Original Herberz Palmera, Palmera Platino Acanalada.
Country: Spain and Germany
Company: Juan Vollmer S.A. Spain and Ferd. Herberz & Co. Solingen - Ohligs.
Period of production: 1931 - 1978

Both companies produced also razors under the brand Palmera. Juan Vollmer was born in Solingen on the 25. Januar 1906. In 1931 he founded a company at Durango in Spain. The Palmera brand achieved a high prestige among razor blades, a brand that had its origin in Solingen (Germany) of the firm Ferd Herberz that had patented since 1864. The authorization was granted to Juan Vollner from the year 1930 and on May 10, 1931 he registers it in Spain. In that year, the Commercial, Industrial and Agricultural Circle of which he is a member is established in Irún. Following an upward progression in business in the early 1940s diversified production with a wide range of products, manicure, chulleria, scissors and the famous razor blades. In the year 1968 entered the company Palmera the German firm Robert Krupp. It invested in Palmera 80 million. But everything ended in a crashing failure and ended up unraveling the company. The 24 of January of 1970, the amazement of the Germans and the refusal of Vollmer to continue to the front of the business. Mr. Vollmer offered the company to charge the same operators for a price of 65 million, the cash payment at the time of signing.
Juan Vollmer died on August 12, 1990 with 84 years and his wife Antonia Angosto Gómez Castrillón on May 15, 2003 at age 88. Don Juan Vollmer has his street in Irún and in that city there are many things that remind Vollmer and his factory, as well as the gratitude of more than one, because he created with his company the creation of many jobs and contributed to the development and well-being of his Citizens.

Juan Vollmer

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Name: Sahara
Label: Guaranteed Blade
Solingen - Germany
Company: Sahara Manufacturers - Edmund Bergfeld & Sohn
Period of production:

Interesting is the advise to dip the blade, when it is fixed in its frame, for a moment into hot water before its use. But there is no explanation why you have to do that.

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I was thinking, maybe a thin film of oil was on the blades.
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