VIDEO How To Disassemble A Gillette Adjustable (Fatboy)

chrisbell said:
Under what circumstances would one want/need to do this?

Sometimes they can be that gunked up with petrified shaving cream and whiskers that the TTO knob or adjustment mechanism can be seized up completely. If prolonged soaking or ultrasonic cleaning doesn't sort it , you might have to resort to this. Also, it's interesting to see how it all fits together and how it works.

I've also found that cigarette lighter fluid can be very good at dissolving gunk from adjustables - removes loads of interior dirt and frees up the action tremendously.

And doesn't that video explain just perfectly how all those tubular Gillette handles get the cracks in them...? :lol:
OK, I see the point about cleaning if you buy one that's hideously complex, but the thought of cackhandedly taking the thing to pieces just because you can seems a little daft to me, given the risk of causing damage. :?:
chrisbell said:
OK, I see the point about cleaning if you buy one that's hideously complex, but the thought of cackhandedly taking the thing to pieces just because you can seems a little daft to me, given the risk of causing damage. :?:

The hard part is not taking it to pieces, it's putting it back together again! :twisted:
The crimp thingy is a bitch, and should really be replaced once you've removed it.

I've got a few slims in bits that I'm working on (trying to get hold of some crimp rings)

chrisbell said:
OK, I see the point about cleaning if you buy one that's hideously complex, but the thought of cackhandedly taking the thing to pieces just because you can seems a little daft to me, given the risk of causing damage. :?:

If it's non-functional to start with (the whole point of taking it apart, unless of course you like taking stuff apart to find out how it's put together...) what exactly have you lost?

I am one of the ones who falls into the category who likes to pull things apart to see how they work (also I am not cack handed and I used the correct tools...... :lol: ). But in the case of my E2 FB I wanted to see if I could improve the finnish of mass produced object before I get it re-plated. Plus these are easy to get apart.............we will see how easy it is to put back together....... :shock: .
After all it's only a razor not a Ferrari......... :roll: :roll: