Very disappointed with Muhle V2

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I have the same 21mm brush and it works perfect, looks like you have a duffer. They are a great brush IMHO.


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Vetinari said:
I've sent an email with a picture to the supplier requesting a replacement.

Will let you know what happens.

From my usage of Muhle brushes (both V1 and V2) I have not had this experience.
However, looking at the photo, I do think yours is defective. I have had other earlier generation brushes have the issues yours is having, so I think you are correct in requesting the supplier to provide a replacement.

As to the differences between Kent and Muhle brushes. Here is an analysis and comparison of the various generation of brushes.

Now I need to make this point known, this is based on Generation of fibers and not personal preference. The most of the Gen 3 and Gen 4 producers are trying to make a product that behaves more like a badger (however only the real thing is the real thing). Kent on the other hand took in my view a different approach. They made their Gen 3 fiber and knot behave more like a Boar rather than going for a Badger like quality. This is why their brush is stiffer and has more bite on the soap so to speak.

This is where people ask, is a Generation 3 fiber brush worse than a Gen 4 fiber brush. My answer is no, because there a differing qualities of the fibers that will be of preference to different users. I like both the Muhle and the Kent for the reason that they are not the same in feel and backbone and it is good to have choices.

I hope your issue is worked out to your satisfaction. Good fortune to you.
From the photos it would appear to be a defective example. I must say, though, that your warning against buying the brush based on what, at the time, you thought was a one-off problem seems a bit odd. I always said I'd not mention this in case it affected Peter's New Forest business, but the fact is that the otherwise superb Tubby 2 I bought over a year ago suffered from an even more disastrous problem - when gently squeezing the knot to release lather for touch-ups, the entire knot fell out of the handle!

Point is that Peter showed most businesses of all sizes what customer service actually is - he took the brush back, re-epoxied the knot (even though I was quite prepared to do so once I'd checked that the epoxy I have was suitable) and it's been a superb performer ever since. Sorry Peter for mentioning it in-forum, but my argument is that it can happen to even the best of products. I'd have thought that any decent retailer would accept it as a return, so why the online fist-shaking? I appreciate you say that you find the knot excessively floppy - this may be a defect related to the 'hole', but I can assure you my v2.0 23mm brush is far from floppy - if anything, the v1.0 was a bit too stiff for face-lathering as it took more pressure than was comfortable to get the knot the splay at all. I've used a Kent BK2 and can assure you that was a damn sight floppier than a Muhle v2.0.
chrisbell said:
From the photos it would appear to be a defective example. I must say, though, that your warning against buying the brush based on what, at the time, you thought was a one-off problem seems a bit odd.

If you read what I actually wrote, you'll see I said be careful to make sure that you have an easy return route. By which I meant don't buy one from China or fleabay or anywhere where you may have a problem getting the thing replaced. I would doubt this is a one off problem although it may be rare. At least one other person has reported a similar problem which may mean it's pot luck as to just how good an example you happen to get.

I'd have thought that any decent retailer would accept it as a return, so why the online fist-shaking?

I don't recollect threatening anyone.

A couple of early responders did not seem to think it was not a manufacturing fault - or brushed off the complaint by saying theirs were all OK.

I've used a Kent BK2 and can assure you that was a damn sight floppier than a Muhle v2.0.

Correction: Your Kent was floppier than your Muhle. And you experience seems at odd with what GDC says above.

I'm not even sure I'd want anything much stiffer than my Kent. Seems just about perfect for my usage.

GDCarrington said:
I hope your issue is worked out to your satisfaction. Good fortune to you.


Now that it seems agreed that it is a faulty example I'm much more confident of a positive outcome.

It seems to me that the perceived backbone must be stiffer without that massive gap.
You seem to be one of those types that can't take care of an issue but prefer trumpeting around about it. You could've sent it back for a refund or replacement, and that would've been the end of it, now you're trying to convince the world that Muehle make bad brushes. Load of rubbish.

P.S. oh, and just to be in line with a tone of the topic - that Kent is pure shite.
Er the BK2 is a pure badger brush - nothing like their synthetic which, as Gary Carrington points-out, is designed to replicate a boar knot rather than a badger. Oh, and when I referred to "fist-shaking", I didn't literally man you were going to go to the Muhle factory and randomly thump people.
Helveticum said:
You seem to be one of those types that can't take care of an issue but prefer trumpeting around about it.

There was a lot of 'trumpeting' here about how good this brush was.

When I got one it was utter rubbish.

When I posted about this to see what people thought at least one person said it was not a problem with the brush (which would preclude getting it replaced).

now you're trying to convince the world that Muehle make bad brushes.

Well, they have made a couple.

And clearly their quality control is not that brilliant.

Load of rubbish.

And yet there is photographic evidence in this very thread.

that Kent is pure shite.

Ah, the hypocrisy.

(You could hardly know since you haven't used the one I have and you have just had a bad tempered rant because I made comments about a brush you like on the basis of the example I have.)

chrisbell said:
Er the BK2 is a pure badger brush - nothing like their synthetic which

Not sure what the relevance of that was, then. I said I had a Kent synthetic and was comparing that with the Muhle and so naturally assumed you were referring to the brush I had (as I'm not au fait with Kent's naming conventions).

Oh, and when I referred to "fist-shaking", I didn't literally man you were going to go to the Muhle factory and randomly thump people.

Well, that's a relief.

(I'm not intending to go there and thump carefully selected people, either.)
Kent is still shite. Although I really liked the subtle way GD had put it - "it replicates boar" :icon_razz: :icon_razz: :icon_razz:
Some people just like to suffer though, it seems.. :s
Helveticum said:
Kent is still shite. Although I really liked the subtle way GD had put it - "it replicates boar"

Some people just like to suffer though, it seems.. :s

I think you need to accept the fact that different people have different tastes. Stating the obvious, I know, but the fact seems to have escaped you. And unless you have incredibly delicate skin it's hard to see how you would suffer!

A brush that is ready the instant it is wetted, never sheds a hair, and works to the complete satisfaction of its owner cannot realistically be considered 'shite' by anyone making an intelligent assessment.

It seems to me that you are a bit of a 'fan boy' for the Muhle and will go out of your way to rubbish anything that anyone considers a good alternative.

It may well be that when I get the Muhle replaced I do, indeed, find it superior to the Kent, but if I do it will not be by any great amount. And if I don't, (and, again, the difference will not be great), that will be nothing more than the way I react to the two products.

You may feel the need to pontificate about other people's taste in brushes but, quite honestly, even if someone prefers to use a nylon nail brush for their shaving needs, that's really no one's business but their own.
Vetinari said:
You may feel the need to pontificate about other people's taste in brushes but, quite honestly, even if someone prefers to use a nylon nail brush for their shaving needs, that's really no one's business but their own.

im not trying to be arsey here, but your original post was doing exactly that. you claimed the muhle was a case of emperors new clothes, and that you were duped into buying one due to outlandish claims of excellence.
isaiah53 said:
im not trying to be arsey here, but your original post was doing exactly that. you claimed the muhle was a case of emperors new clothes, and that you were duped into buying one due to outlandish claims of excellence.

I have a similar lack of desire to be 'arsey' but you have got the facts very wrong.

1) 'Emperor's new clothes' were not mentioned until post #8.
2) The comment applied to soaps, not brushes.
3) I didn't say I was duped, nor that the claims were outlandish. Merely that having repeatedly seen people saying how wonderful the brushes were I eventually gave in to temptation and bought one and found it to be useless. Which is nothing more that a plain statement of the facts.
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