Vaping (smoking replacement)

I've read that the tobacco industry and government are shitting themselves over Los of revenue and tax revenue
Was a 30+ a day man up until Jan 1st...not had a ciggy since

Kit i bought

Loads of e liquids to try....hmmm stawberrys and cream

Lots of info here

Now have a few 'mods' (battery holders) the 'vamo' and the 'KTS storm'

If your willing to wait a few weeks you can get some good stuff from China here

Good luck

Once they are licensed as medicines only one who could afford such licensing fees would be the big pharma industry, effectively closing every single e-cig vendors, mod makers and such. We will not be able to buy mods and "juices" anymore. E-cigs will end up just like the useless and ridiculously priced NRT products currently out there.

People will try to quit smoking by buying NRT products, filling pharma's pockets. It wouldn't satisfy and be effective so people go back to smoking making tobacco industry money. Win for the government, tobacco and pharma but the people.
I just bought a vaping kit for stoptober as its bloody difficult on the patches!

Got it in stainless. I've heard good things compared with the ecigs and lots of people I know have made the switch to these.
I purchased a vaping kit in December last year, I found I would only use it when I got a craving and unlike a cigarette you don't have to "finnish it". So my nicotine consumption went down, I also used liquids with less nicotine in them to step things down as well.
In March this year I gave up altogether, I still keep my vape kit but it has nicotine free e-liquid in it. So when I went out for a few beers I could go out with all my mates and not be the Billy no mates in the pub waiting for all the smokers to come back in.
Now I don't even use that, just go out and chat with all my smoking mates.
I think they are great things, but the odd thing is I never like the cigarette flavoured e-liquids and preferred fruit ones or Grants Vanilla Custard (my favourite).
There is one thing you need to remember you vape in a slightly different way than you smoke a cigarette, but you soon get used to them.
Good luck to all who are trying to give up, it is not easy at all but you can do it.
been on the exact same kit since Sunday

Easy so far

I'm doing nearly two refills a day mind

How many were you smoking a day Al?
Interesting thread! IMO and I stress IMO I have to agree that these electronic cigs are just another mechanism of delivering nicotine. I don't want to put anyone off or display negative tendencies I do come from a pharmaceutical background. Nicolites are one of our biggest sellers, however, our advice is that it won't stop the problem drug nicotine entering your system nor does it make so apparent any formaldehydes that may be being inhaled. Secondly champix IMO is the best alternative with of course continued support and assessment through a stop smoking program. Sorry if I sound negative but no one knew the true damage of smoking till it was brought to consumers attention, the same can be said about e cigs which interestingly have recently had bad press; carcinogenic effects. Another interesting take is that nicolites were meant to be prescribed on prescription funny how that idea hasn't taken off either??

I do smoke myself and have tried the vapostick as well as nicolites and agree they are harsher on the throat and who knows what dose your administering as unlike a cig it doesn't run out after several puffs

20+ mate,
been nagging the wife to give up smoking for 17yrs now - doin well aren't i :angel:

she tried the e-Cigs when we went on holiday this year and said it just gave her a bad chest ans she coughed for a day :icon_rolleyes:

there was one lady by the pool with one of those vaping things your asking about and she tried it but found it VERY strong - obviously there must be different strengths you can buy.

Oh and before i forget, our local Weatherspoons has banned the use of e-Cigs in their establishment
Company policy apparantly, so it must be country wide
This thing is strong, but thats because I have the strongest e liquidiquid in it at the moment.

Once this has ran out I'm switching to a weaker on with less of a throat hit as it does give you a slight cough and achey painful throat and chest.

Very good though. Haven't had a cig for 2 days now.
I keep a MultiCig e-fag in the car and toke on it when driving.

Gone right off "real" ciggies but love a puff on the vape.

Nicotine is lovely stuff, but the traditional delivery system (burning stuff and inhaling it) is rubbish.

Just my 2c

Hopefully it's become too big to ban, and lots of tobacco companies have bought out or invested in vaping.
I've also gone off real cigs Rev, I don't enjoy the taste and find a coffee flavoured vape far more pleasant, though I have to say that took a while. I was resorting to a manual fag once in a while for about 6 months.