Valet autostrop

Hi all
I am very new to this
Already collected a few razors but need to try one so my choice is the Valet
What modern blade fits in a Valet Autostrop
Regards Paul
Greetings Paul

The majority of Valet Razors will take the Feather SE Blade, the only place to my knowledge where these can be purchased is Connaught's. There is a slight caveat to this in that a few models because of the positioning of the pins and cutouts in the the razors blade cover will not accept the modern feather SE blades, these models are in the minority and you will be unlucky if you have one.

Original Valet blades will also fit in all models but of course they have been discontinued for decades and IMHO they are anyway not very good; I have never had any success stropping them to a shaving edge inspite of a very long trial with ten different strops and three different pastes but some folk have succeeded; perhaps I do not have the touch.

Some models (older models) will also take a modern GEM SE blade with the bottom corners (or one corner) snapped off, this is a simple modification, these models can be recognised by the blade holder which is not full length as it is on later models.

This may help.

My VC1 will take Feather blades without any mods or the Gem with the spine removed. My VC2,VC3and VC4 take the feather without mods. As Dick says I believe some just don't fit but they are in the minority.
I'm sure pjgh will show and blow us out of the water with his knowledge.
btw the VC1 is one of the best shaves I've had, but all the models all shave differently imho.