Valet Autostrop Cleaning

Hey guys.

I recently won an auction on eBay for this Valet Autostrop which I got for £10 plus postage.

It didn't look too bad in the pictures and sure enough when it turned up I was pleasantly surprised with how good it was considering its age. The case has seen better days, the strop is useless and the blades are slightly rusty but the important part was in good nick.

So, I got to cleaning. I used hot water with a little fairy liquid in first and just soaked the razor for about 10 minutes whilst scrubbing with a toothbrush.

Next on the list was some Dettol bathroom foam cleaner left to soak into the razor then scrubbed again with the brush and rinsed.

A quick polish with some Silvo and a good 15 minute dip in some Barbicide solution and it was done.

I have to say I am very impressed with the results. I even gave the strop a conditioning with some leather treatment. Its still not usable but its softer than it was.

pjgh said:
VB1 model, I believe. I have one (without a case) and it gives a lovely shave.

Apparently the VB1 has an upper and lower stropping roller and the VC1 has an upper roller and a lower solid bar?

Im a little wary of the adjustment on it as it doesnt seem to hold the blade tight when you retract it a little.

Well that shave certainly surprised me...

Gave a dfs with minimal irritation, again its my technique I think but im still a novice. All in all a very nice razor to shave with when combined with a feather!