Utility's - Gas and Electric

We switched provider a while back and it has saved us a little, but not much. The main reason for the switch was appalling customer service with zero recollection or action on any previous interactions with them.

The new guys seems rather attentive and everything has been going swimmingly so far. Long may it last.

I worked trying to sort out gas and elec bills a while back. It was crazy, people owing thousands of pounds stretching back years which they weren't allowed to pay as no one was quite sure how much they owed and who they owed it to. The back log was in the thousands and the team as a whole could get through a few cases a day if lucky.

For money saving advice MSE Forums is the holy grail. It does have a whiff of the B&B about it though. My other half is an addict and has saved us a fortune. The downside is we started Christmas shopping for 2010 before most people had started their Christmas shopping for 09, but in the company of people with 30 years worth of blades that might not seem too severe.

Hi Antdad,

For Gas we pay about 35 eurocents per m3 (cubic meter?). But it would be logic if gas is more expensive, because we live on those huge gasbells which we export for less than we pay for ourselves :shock:
Electricity is about 9 cents per Kw/h, both tariffs including VAT. The difference is made on the gas I think,
