
Sunday January 17, 2016
St Leonards, Dorset
Up until 10 minutes ago I couldn't get my head around Bechet's claim that TOBS creams ate his face off, when I've used most of them with no ill effect.

This evening I tried a cream from Apothecary87. It was advertised as a manly scent of Sandalwood and Vanilla, but after 5 seconds on my face, it tried to eat my face off. Not only did it sting like hell, the scent was reminiscent of the cream you put on diaper rash.

Since I've never seen this cream reviewed, I can only surmise that it was well-known to everyone but me to stay far, far away from it.

It's been binned.
The only TOBS or any other cream to have bothered me is TOBS Almond. It didn't 'eat' my face as such, but it did make it very, very itchy. This is the one and only TOBS cream that I've had a problem with in the more than 20 years that I've been using TOBS cream...very curious.
Funnily enough TOBS Jermyn street cream burnt the bejesus out of me! Apparently it's for sensitive skin... maybe it means if you have sensitive skin it will burn..felt like I had chronic sunburn and fire ants on my face. Not used TOBS creams for years...but their hard soaps are decent and don't seem to immolate my face.

The only other thing that had a similar reaction was La Toja stick (which is excellent) but that burnt like hell...and weirdly it was only the third one I used that did...the first two were fine so I wondered if it was reformulated or changed?
Weird the world ain't it!
Anything like a Highly Scented Cream or Soap will Eat my Face off as You Call It..Palmolive gave Me Mood Swings & All Sorts because it can Get into the Blood Stream & Secrete through the Skin..Drove me Bonkers..

Are you stating a fact or making a claim that it ate your face off, Steve?
I am stating that the cream did indeed eat my face off and left me horribly scarred and with lumps of flesh hanging from the jaw and submandicular regions of my face. I am now covered in bandages after extensive cosmetic surgery. The nurses called me "Carl".
TOBS agrees with me across the different flavours but if to be believe that it is made by Creighton's then grab a 150ml tube of the Creighton's made RSC sensitive cream. imho It has the same lathering qualities as TOBS if you like it thick and creamy and I never heard it ate anyone's face. .

Noticed today it is back on the shelves in Savers for about 1/9 of the price of a tub of TOBS.

The only cream that ever gave me a mild irritating post shave sensation is that Hungarian stuff Barbon.

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