"Unicorn" Sighting

Hi Billy,
Thanks for that info. Will not chase that Unicorn then ,will wait out for a "Cheap" Schick O- .
Mike B
That One there has been Listed a Number of Times I Think..In General the Vintage Injector & SE Market Has Kinda Plummeted Since the Release of a Fair Number of Current SEs..Some Old Injectors & Old SEs that were Worth Some Dough are Fetching But a Fraction of Say..This Time Last Years Prices..

Hi Billy,
Today had a great Shave with the PAL Adjustable, the quality of Shave equalled/ surpassed recent Shaves acquired
with The Claymore, Supply & The General.

I think quite a lot of users of the new kids on the block might not have tried/ mastered some of the Vintage SE/ Injectors. Did see a load of Streamlines up for silly money, they will not go as sellers are not being realistic. Mind you it does give you a great shave if you can handle it. Thanks to your past advise I have adopted a light touch/no pressure regime, which has proved to work with any razor I have tried. I lie I still cannot get a decent Shave out of the Space Age Personna.
Mike B
How does it shave @Burgundy ? Anything in common with the mild Feather all stainless DEs?
Not really, no. I guess it's comparing apples with oranges... like trying to compare a Schick I2 to a Gillette SuperSpeed. In my experience, the Feather injector isn't as intuitive as a later Schick. If I don't concentrate, the shave can be rough and it'll nick without much warning. I haven't experimented with blades as much as I should with it. When it's on it's on, but it's not a razor I reach for regularly. It's one I bring into rotation when I want something different to challenge myself with.

Thanks. What I meant is that Feather seem to have a habit of making crazy sharp blades and then putting them in very mild but efficient razors that don't feel very aggressive at all. The AS-D1/D2 and their carts seem to follow this philosophy but I guess their injector must be a different beast altogether then.
I believe that there were several iterations of the Feather injector and they were made from the early 1970s to the mid 1990s. I would imagine that they have different characteristics in use. I reckon mine - and the eBay listing - are of a later vintage. Look at this (long expired) Etsy listing for a set that I take to be an earlier model:


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