Under the radar

Very sad news Chris & it will take some time to come to terms with it no matter how much it was expected eventually. I wish you fond memories of her when she was at her best and hope the pain of her passing lessens over time.

As for the OU, I just hope you manage to keep focussed and that your reward will be in getting a better grade than you anticipate! BTW what are you taking?

Thanks chaps. I'm taking a unit in science communications as part of a Postgrad Diploma in Science and Society. My training had been in lab research, but PhDs are hard to find and so I decided, after receiving careers advice from UEA, where I read my degree and took my research Masters, to focus on science writing (the sort of thing you might read in the feature articles in New Scientist magazine, for example). I think I'm proving the old adage "those who can, do; those who can't write about it."
LOL, I know you weren't Chris, it just made me think that there aren't many more difficult subjects to tackle at this level. Good luck with your exam though.
Chris, been with no access all these months. Just got 'back' today. My belated condolences for the loss of your grandmother. Hope all will be well for your family from now on.
N_Architect said:
Chris, been with no access all these months. Just got 'back' today. My belated condolences for the loss of your grandmother. Hope all will be well for your family from now on.

Thanks Konstantinos - good to have you back!
Thanks Nishy. Service was good - a civil-style service with hymns to reflect my Grandmother's (and my) enjoyment of hymns whilst being agnostic. She loved musicals and the Italian-American tenor, Mario Lanza, so we had "I'll Walk With God" as he sung it in the film of "The Student Prince" as we entered. Though I'm not as mad on the quality of his voice as she was, it really suited the occasion, and perfectly reflected her personality, and was therefore very moving.