Under the radar

Hi Chris-

sorry to hear of your loss- you truly have my sympathies. Sadly I am of an age that when I was born (1951) my Grandparents were all dead so sadly I never met them.

I lost my Mother (to the big C) when I was 21, and my father passed in 1997 in similar circumstances to your Gran.

You will always remember the ones you have lost- but always in a nice way- the good times shine through and the bad times fade to nothing,

Be strong over the next few weeks and remember please, only the good times.

Sorry to hear this, Chris. My thoughts are with you at this difficult time.

I lost my grandad last year, in a very similar scenario. He, too, suffered with dementia, and it was hard to see how it changed him, it truly was awful. To go from him looking after me when I was young, to me sitting with him, and looking after him when he was gradually getting worse. My worst memory of the whole thing was him crying in the living room, apologising that he'd become a burden to us all. Of course none of us thought this. The best memory (if you can really have one, in such an awful situation) was that he still loved a good shave every day. He used cartridge razors, but he had his brush (cheap Wilkinson boar), and his soap (WS Blue bowl) which he used all the time. When he got really bad in hospital, my mum would go up to help him shave still. He was always making sure he was clean shaven, even when he was in the poorest of health, and very frail.

It was the first close loss in my family, and I certainly don't want to experience it again any time soon.

Sorry to go on. My thought are with you mate.
It is always sad to lose a loved one. I hope your grandmother and grandfather are reunited for eternity. My sincere condolences Chris.
Best wishes.
The lady I sit with at work has had her husband's Nan go through all this. I heard about it every day for six months and can only begin to appreciate how hard it is.
Chris sorry to hear your sad news. She obviously had a good life and the memories she leaves and the impact she had on all your families lives are what I term the immortality that many people seek. My background is in the sciences, like yourself, although I changed over to legal services at a later date. Having done a few distance learning courses in the past myself, I know how difficult it can be to concentrate during times like this.
Good luck.
Sorry to hear about your grandmother. As has already been said, try to remember her as she was during better times.

Good luck with the distance learning thing, but leave any work until after Sunday afternoon
