Ummm...I'm no straight razor user but

I never thought a bigger blade was required for a tougher beard, plus the muppet doesn't lather worth a dam.

That is two days worth of growth? :shock: My dog could lick that off.

Re: Ummm...I'm no straight razor but

decent shaving technique but i agree the lather looks a bit weak

unless a regular cut-throat user says that's how they like it :?
Re: Ummm...I'm no straight razor but

This is the straight shave that I judge all others by.

I'm impressed with how the German practically made the entire WTG shave in 2 strokes! I did watch the B&B video, and had to chuckle - 2 days for me is still stubble after a nice BBS. I wanted to see the 9/8 shave!