Ultrasonic Cleaner

Yip, I got one of those (last year's colour scheme, mind). Works like a charm, though I am sure that there are better ones out there...

Gets the razor scum off and leaves 'em nice and shiny*. A £19.99 bargain.


*Also cleans glasses and women's jewellery (though be aware that it can rattle out diamonds).
Same one i have, got mine from Amazon, three years ago, still going strong and get's used on nearly all my Vintage Finds, good for getting gunk out of TTO Razors, soak your Vintage Razors in soapy water for a couple hours, then in this for a couple of cycles and you will be surprised at the results.
Got mine from maplin when on special offer as well. Also good for watch bracelet, you wouldn't believe the crap that comes out of them!