Uk Shaving Shops

Depending on where you are, if you find a "Afro Carribbean' beauty products shop, they are scattered all around London (I imagine other cities too).

In the picture of one of my local ones you can see a number of splashes, including Brut, Denim, Pashana and others.

Nothing high end, but some good things nonetheless.
Donnie I'm curious now. In that photo, on the end of the shelf with the Brut, the very end box has been blurred out! I presume that is Google's doing rather than yours, but why? Does it contain the dead sea scrolls, or James Bond's next mission, or perhaps the brand name, if taken out of context could be deemed offensive by those who find everything offensive? Or maybe it's stocks of the Holy grail of shaving cream and you don't want us all to go there and raid it all haha! I'm dying to know, it seems so odd! Did you spot that too?
It's not an adult massage wand is it?!
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