Closed UK Pass Around: Bunny Razor V3 - Finished.

No complaints here, only had 1 shave with my Injector so very inexperienced to say the least, on the plus side I'll get a chance to use it closer to release date !!!
Can you claim this back Andreas? That is ridiculous that you need to pay for a non commercial product...
It's the rules. Even gifts worth more than £34 pounds attract VAT. As the value declared on the parcel was a bit more I got stung. Fair enough. It's the Royal Mail £8 charge for collecting the money (exact cash only) that pisses me off. A small price to pay for two bunnies, really. I'm quite glad Tom didn't declare the true value of the bunnies. I would have been hit by several times the VAT and duty as well. As it stands I'm a happy bunny. Pun intended
First shave with the Bunny V3

Nice one, Tom

Truefitt&Hill Authentic No.10 shaving cream
Omega 49 brush
Bunny V3 razor NOTSO
Chinese Schick blade (1)
Tüff Sensitiv ASL
Truefitt&Hill No.10 Moisturiser
YSL Kouros EdT

The razor is an absolute beauty. Well done, Tom. Really stunning in real life. SWMBO saw it and said it was ‘elegant'. She's a woman of great taste. Of course she is - she chose to be with me
The Bunny came with the ‘MILD' comb preinstalled. I decided to have a go with the ‘NOTSO' comb first. The ‘NOTSO' comb seems to take a bit more effort to install and remove than the ‘MILD' and the ‘WILD' combs. I tried the ‘NOTSO' comb from the raffle Bunny and found the same tight fit. After having changed combs a couple times now, I've either got the hang of it or the comb has somehow settled in.
First I put a blank into the Bunny's head (sounds crueler than it is ). Then I replaced that blank with a Chinese Schick blade. I found that I needed to twist the injector clip's key a tiny bit clockwise to open the head ever so slightly. The blade then went into the head without any trouble. Easy and slowly does it.
Here's a tip for Tom: Take an injector clip full of cheap (Personna?) blades, eject all of them, dull them (with a file, a knife steel, a brick, whatever) and put them back into the injector clip. Hey presto.. cheap blanks you can inject into the Bunnies before shipping. Professional . As an added bonus you can check that blade injection is as smooth as you'd like it to be.
Drumroll! My first shave with a Bunny.
I've been trying to properly break my big Omega 49 boar brush. Face lathering with Truefitt&Hill No.10 cream seems to work well with this brush.
One thing that sets the Bunny apart from most razors is the shaving angle. Have a look at Billy's photos in this thread. The razor almost sticks straight out of your face. The angle is about 80 degrees. You need to keep this in mind when shaving with the Bunny. Like with any other razor, if you get the angle wrong, you'll end up with a sore face or the razor won't shave at all.
As with all pass around razors I did a four pass WTG/XTG/XTG/ATG shave. Right from the start the Bunny feels really good. It glides gently over the face and mows down stubble efficiently. I was a bit careless with the angle twice and got punished with two little nicks that weren't too bad. Apart from that the shave went well and was very enjoyable. Mostly BBS with one or two spots I didn't get as close as I'd wish. Practice will sort that out. The alum block and aftershave gave a medium sting. Eight hours later my face is still quite smooth. I like it.
This was just my first shave with a Bunny razor and I'm thoroughly impressed. It is still hard to believe that Tom only dreamt up this razor a few months ago and here we are today with a razor that looks, feels and shaves like a professional product that has been developed by a team of experienced razor designers for years. I'm looking forward to many more shaves with this beauty.
I'll get the pass around Bunny shave ready again tomorrow and will pass it on to @Nico1970 as soon as possible. I still have your address Martin.

Nice one, Tom
Great Report Andreas..You are on the Ball with the Angle & that's why I posted my Ugly Mug on that One..She is a beautiful Injector for Sure..

Thanks for the review.

Later this afternoon I will be making a video of how to load the blade. Also I will show how to change combs. I will also show what to do if it is a bit tight to remove. You do not want it to be loose as that is not good.

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Great Report Andreas..You are on the Ball with the Angle & that's why I posted my Ugly Mug on that One..She is a beautiful Injector for Sure..

Thanks, Billy. She is a beauty for sure. I feel very lucky that I'm one of only a handful of people who currently have a Bunny to use at their leisure. (There will be more once the pass around has finished). One criticism from SWMBO: The stand needs refinement. I'm trying to persuade her to use it as well. She seems interested
Videos would be great, Tom. None of the combs is loose. One of them was a bit tight, but only initially. The Mild and Wild go in very smoothly, but the Notso kind of clicks into place. But I noticed that it went in smoother after a couple of comb changes, if that makes sense. I'm quite happy to send the Bunny out to the UK pass around as it is. Expect plenty of shave reports from me on this thread. I'll try all my injector blades with all of the combs. That will keep me busy for months
You're a very clever man, Tom.

When you remove the combs, I find if you grip the ends. Then instead of pulling straight up. You rock the back up first it will tend to release easier. Do the opposite for installing. Place the comb end in first. Then press the back end down. It will tend to get a bit easier after time when the edges smooth out a bit.

When you shave with it in for a while it might be a bit more to remove it due to the soap build up. I will show in the video how to remove it easily.


Now off to make the video.
Place the comb end in first. Then press the back end down. It will tend to get a bit easier after time when the edges smooth out a bit.
That's exactly what I figured out. For some reason you are tempted to put the narrow bottom bit in first, but putting the wide comb bit at the top in first is easier. I've only used the Bunny for a few hours, but I'm confident that it is easy enough to figure out for the lucky guys on the pass around. The thumb screw is great, btw. I'm going to have so much fun with your lovely contraption.
Thank you, Tom.
There was one wee error I made the other day with the Bunny when I took the Comb off to rinse it out..I am used to rinsing my injectors & putting them up to my mouth to blow out any water that is left in there..Well..I did it the other day with the Bunny with the Comb removed and had a close call because the Full blade is Exposed..I was just on Auto Pilot because there is nothing to blow out with the comb removed when rinsing the Bunny..Hell..I said..Wont Do that Again..

The Adventures of the Bunny..

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That could have tragic. [emoji31]

Great write-up!