UK meteorology

Today's view:
First day I've not needed snow chains since last Tuesday, nice sunny day here.

Had one of those odd weather events last night, popped out for some coal and to get stuff from the car. No street lights at mine so I had a head torch on and it was a white out I could barely see 5 yards in the 'fog'. On closer inspection it was ice crystals swirling about reflecting the light, if I turned the torch off it was light like a quarter moon night. Very odd especially as I could hear the drip of the thaw all around me.
Might have been a light graupel shower?
I'll post last Malcolm's comments on the anomalies from last night, then his thoughts on this morning's operational:
Today's thoughts:
My anxiety is bad at the moment so I'll just post Malcolm's thoughts from this morning:
Today's thoughts: