UK - after a new cheap kit (razor, brush, and soap)

Hi all, and thanks for looking, greatly appreciate your help, especially if in the UK

So my girlfriend, of all people, introduced me to the world of DE Safety Razors she, for my birthday, kindly bought me:
- Dr Harris DE Safety Razor, same as the one here: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a><!-- m -->
- Dr Harris Badger Brush
- Dr Harris Arlington Soap Puck.

Buying a New Cheap Kit

I want to buy a new cheap kit to have at my girlfriend's place as the nice Dr Harris stuff is at mine.

I was thinking:
- Old DE shazer off ebay, but am struggling to find one. (anyone help)
- Palmolive shave cream
- Cheap Badger or Boar brush - any recommendations on where?

All recommendations appreciated.

This is a UK based forum and most of the members are from the UK so you will get UK based answers. Introduce yourself on the welcome board and you might even find you are more local to some suppliers/providers than you think.

The default cheap/starter shaving brush is the Vulfix 404 from Diamond Edge for about £8, still quality. While you're there if you can stretch to some Vulfix cream, there is none to be found anywhere cheaper for a large quantity. As for a razor, the others can decide, but I'd go for quality even if its to be left at your GF.

Show her that you trust and care enough about yourself and her to leave some good kit there.

Dr Phil.

However if you think she'd porn it at the drop of a hat, take some disposable's.

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For a razor try a gillette tech or superspeed or if you're really lucky a fatboy or slim, all are similar to your safety razor but if you really want a razor that shaves like yours then buy an edwin jagger DE89L, same head just a different handle, can be had for just shy of £20 so quite cheap.
Agree with the above. Edwin Jagger 89L or Muehle equivalent for about £20-25 - A real quality piece that will last a lifetime, beautifully made and looks gorgeous - you can easily spend more than this on ebay for some vintage razor that turns out to be a pile of pooh :shock: :shock:
I bought the Vulfix 404 a few weeks ago and was amazed at how good it is for the price. It makes my TOBS badger look WAY WAY overpriced - my wife spent a lot of money on that brush which is excellent and has sentimental value.

And for 50p you can't go wrong with palmolive stick. So less that £30 will get you some very well made bit of kit.

Or you could spend the money on a mach 3 with a few cartridges
Londoner looking for new kit...anyone help?

Hi all,

I currently have a
- Dr Harris DE Safety Razor, same as the one here: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a><!-- m -->
- Dr Harris Badger Brush
- Dr Harris Arlington Soap Puck.

I want to buy a new cheap kit to leave at my GF's place. If anyone can sort me out that'd be great. FYI I'm in North/Central London.

Buying a New Cheap Kit

I was thinking:
- DE Razor, not sure what maybe Gillette Superspeed or Fatboy; or an Edwin Jagger DE89L; or the Muhle? I'd actually quite like an open comb? Suggestions please!
- Cheap Badger or Boar brush - been recommended the Vulfix 404 which looks good.
- Stand for both
- Palmolive shave cream

If anyone can hook me up, do let me know...cheers!
Thanks guys. Have posted in Welcome section.

Still not sure over which DE Razor...given i clean shave everyday, and have fairly course skin it hink a closed comb would work i right?
Not quite sure what you mean by "course skin". How are you getting on with the Harris razor?

If the Harris razor suits you then you can get the cheaper option with same head but different handle.

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Re: Londoner looking for new kit...anyone help?

Welcome, how long have you been D.E shaving?

I just wondered because I have recommended on your original post that you get the cheaper razor with the same head as an alternative. If you haven't been at it long then it's best not to mix it up too much.
Re: Londoner looking for new kit...anyone help?

There are some replies to the thread you've already started.

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Perhaps you've joined more than one shaving forum and forgot you'd posted this?
I appear to now have two threads running!!!!!! :shock: another in the welcome section.

I've been using the Harris for 6-8months, it's fine but I don't find the shave to be that close.

I have coarse facial hair (not skin! sorry) and thought an Open Comb might provide a better shave.
An open comb won't necessarily give you a closer shave, they can be mild and aggressive, a blade change can make all the difference though.

I have the Muhle R41 open comb which I like as well as the Merkur's, 11c, 15C and others.

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Been shaving 6-8 months with the Harris, it's fine but I don't think the shave is that close.

I have coarse facial hair.

Therefore I think open comb might be a good idea?
You can get a very close shave with a very mild razor/very sharp blade or an aggressive razor/less sharp blade, in other words you can get a close shave with anything, but to make a good choice you need to know how and why.

I'm just trying to gauge what level you are at as there are numerous combinations, the previous post will lead you to most of the modern OC's available, so what blades have you been using?
If you have course hair then you may wish to try the Futur. Those that use it say it is a very efficient razor that is up to any shaving task. You'll probably need a little while to decide on the setting for you (it's an adjustable) and also choose a blade that suits, but I reckon it should suit you well.